Chapter 15: Anger Issues

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"What?! Of course not." Seek said. "Why would I like him?" "You pinned him on the bed." Glitch responded. "Y-yeah, tr-true, but we were just playing!" Seek shuttered. "Then if you were playing, you wouldn't play like that." Guiding Light joined in. "Glitch, Guiding Light, can you please  leave us alone?" Figure asked. "Until we figure out the truth." Glitch said. "Oh, yeah? Glitch, I know that you like Guiding Light. You shower with her all the time, and kiss in there." Seek teased. "Shut up, Seek. We don't talk about that." Glitch said. "Then if we don't talk about that, why do you talk about that with US?!" Figure shouted. "But it's true, and we need to tell." Guiding Light said. "Then if it's true that YOU guys do that, why can't we tell the rest of the entities, also?" Seek asked. Glitch and Guiding Light just looked at each other. "Shut the fuck up, Seek. You have anger issues." Glitch shouted. "No, you're the one having anger issues." Seek said. "I'm just trying to be innocent with Figure here and YOU just start this fight." "We wanted to fucking talk with you." Glitch said. "Go away, bitches. Figure and I want some 'alone' time." Seek said. "Fine." Glitch said. "Freak." "WHAT'YA CALL ME?!" Seek cried. "NOTHING, SEEK, LET GO OF MY WRIST." Glitch said. Guiding Light just disappeared, hoping she wouldn't be part of it. "YOU SHOULDN'T DESERVE TO BE HERE! YOU HAVE A CRUEL HEART, AND A CRUEL SOUL. YOU'LL HAVE A TERRIBLE LIFE!" Seek shouted. "Calm down, Seek." Glitch said. "NO, YOU SHOULD CALM DOWN. YOU DON'T HAVE THE RIGHT TO USE SWEAR WORDS AGAINST ME, BITCH." Seek said. "YOU'RE THE ONE USING SWEAR WORDS! YOU CALLED ME A BITCH." Glitch shouted. "SHUT UP OR YOU'LL PAY." Seek warned. "I WON'T SHUT UP, YOU SHUT UP." Glitch said. "I don't have a mouth." Seek smirked as he twisted Glitch's wrist. "Ag-aghhh!" Glitch groaned. "S-stop Seek!" Glitch said. "YOU'RE HURTING US!" "How can I be hurting the entities if YOU'RE the one hurting me?" Seek said. "YOU'RE AN ANIMAL, SEEK! ANIMAL ABUSER. YOU'RE A FUCKING MONSTER THAT HAS NO HOME, AND NO LOVE OF ANY KIND!" Glitch said. "Nobody asked you!" Seek said. "Woah, what's going on there?" Ambush asked. "I don't know." Rush said. Glitch used his knee to kick Seek on his stomach, and kicked Seek away into the wall. "Seek!" Figure said. He couldn't do anything to stop it. All he could do was shout Seek's name, but he probably didn't hear Figure. Seek kicked Glitch in the face hardly, and he puked out blood. "Seek!" Glitch said. He wiped the blood from his chin. Seek grabbed his back-up hands and grabbed Glitch by the neck. He ordered them to choke Glitch. The hands started to squeeze harder by every second. Glitch coughed, and wheezed. But then he teleported and punched Seek from behind. Seek grabbed all his hands, and Glitch kept dodging the attacks. But then, this fight was going too far, and before you knew it...Seek fell on the floor. "Seek?" Figure asked. There was no sound of his heartbeat. "SEEK!" 

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