Chapter 22: Collecting Money

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I ran out of the elevator, and ran to the main room. "WHERE'S TIMOTHY?!" I cried. I seemed to scare Ambush. "Dude, calm your beans." he said. "Timothy's at door 65. He's in the only drawer there." Jack said. I zoomed out of the room. "He sure is in a RUSH." Hide said. "Hey!" Rush complained. Meanwhile with Figure, he was at door 64. Soon, he arrived at 65. "Timothy! I need your help!" Figure said as he opened the drawer quickly. Timothy flew out, and Figure caught him. "Dude, what did you do that for?!" Timothy shouted. "I'm sorry, but I we found a way to bring Seek back!" I exclaimed. "Who's we?" he asked. "We is Silence from floor 2 and another entity called Revive!" I explained. "Wait, REVIVE?! SHE CAN BRING SEEK BACK?!" Timothy asked. "Yea, but it costs 30 dollars. can you help me look for money?" I asked. "Sure thing, dude. Even if it means bringing Seek back." "Thank you!" I said. So Timothy and I split up and looked. We met at door 50, the halfway point. Timothy counted the money. "We have 600!" Timothy said. "We only need 30, so here are some coins!" He placed the money in my hands. "Thank you!" I said again. "I'll put the money back later." Timothy waved, and went inside one of the drawers in the library. I ran as quick as I could to door 100. I jumped down, then ran as fast as I could to Revive's room. "Alright." she said. "Thank you." "Nice job, Figure." Silence said. "I did it with my friend Timothy's help." I said. He nodded. "Where's Seek?" she asked. "Floor 1." I said. "then let's go there." she said. We walked to door 100 to the elevator that goes up. "Why are we walking? Don't we want to hurry?" I asked. "I need to prepare before I can revive others." Revive said. "Oh. Ok." I said. So we walked there. The way to the elevator wasn't that dangerous now. We reached the elevator, but Greed was blocking the way. "Answer my question..." 

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