Just Some...IMPORTANT Information!

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Hello, everyone! I'm PatriciaC1728, or Evel_Eevee02UwU! This is the very first book on Wattpad I ever made, and I'm excited to share it with everyone! I published this since, like, August, and now I'm updating it so it can be longer. (You'll know why soon...)

I have to share this account with my little brother, so he made some of HIS own books. If you are seeing this, I hope you are aware. 

School is busy for me, I have homework, a private school I go on Mondays and Thursdays, I have to go to some doctor appointments, so...I will not update often. And...

Thanks to thatlittlesimp31 and tbnoob! They helped inspire me, so you should check out their books! If you have, then good for you!

WILL be:



-Self harm




So the main characters will be Seek and Figure, because it is a Seek x Figure fanfic after all!

-Seek is he/him. He is gay with Figure and is 21 years old.

-Figure is he/him. He is gay with Seek and is 23 years old.

-Halt is bisexual? He is straight and is 90 years old (JUST KIDDING! HE IS 31!!!)

-Timothy is he/him. He isn't straight or gay, or either in love. He is just a perfectly normal spider who bites people in faces and sucks on their dicks- (LOL I AM KIDDING AGAIN) And he is 12 years old.

-Jack is he/him. He is in love with Hide and is 15 years old.

-Glitch is bisexual. He is straight but also likes Guiding Light and Revive. He is 26 years old. 

-Revive is she/her. She is the heart that revives us in the game and is a bit straight. She is 22 years old. She likes Glitch.

-Guiding Light is she/her. She is straight and likes Glitch. She got a bit jealous once Revive showed up, because she was taking his man. She is 18 years old.

-Hide is she/her and he/him. She/He is a girl sometimes and boy sometimes. She/He would prefer being called he/him.

-Screech is he/him. He is gay with Eyes and is 11 years old. (Like me!)

-Eyes is he/him. He is gay with Screech and is 13 years old.

-Rush is he/him. He is gay with Ambush and is 16 years old. He loves to tease Screech along with Ambush.

-Ambush is he/him. He is gay with Rush and is also 16 years old. He loves to tease Screech along with Rush.

-El Goblino is he/him. He is a little red goblin who stays at a shop at door 52 in the mysterys of the haunted hotel. 

-Bob is dead, but he went by he/him. 

-Jeff is he/him. He owns the shop at door 52, and El Goblino and Bob are best friends, even though Bob is dead.

-Jeff the Killer is he/him. He is in love with Jane (I think) but Jane doesn't appear in the story.


I think that is all of the Doors characters! If I am missing some, please tell me in the comments or in the inbox! Well, I hope you enjoy! I only updated chapter 1 to 1,245 words, so I am trying to find time to update chapter 2! Well, I hope you enjoy!

Have a good day/night!! *kisses*


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