Chapter 31: Tore Apart

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Everyone was sobbing. Guiding Light started to cry, too. "Oh, why...? Wh-why do we have sadness?" Seek asked. Just then, something appeared in front of them. 

Guiding Light POV:

Void. I stopped sobbing. "Boss, I can explain!" I said. "No need to." Void said. "We're getting to the good part." He sent some of his minions. "DESTROY THE PLACE!" he shouted as he disappeared. His minions nodded, and flipped stuff over. One broke the glass, another one flipped the tables over and the other one destroyed the doors. Glitch came in and started to fight them. When the place was destroyed, they set it on fire. Glitch got kicked to our group, and we all cuddled. The minions left, with us in the middle of the room, with fire around us. It spread, and just as soon as we were doomed, there was a shield around us. I never knew how it happened. The other entities can't make a shield. I can make one, but I'm not using anything! I looked at the others, and they were staring at me. I felt my hands go up in the air, and Glitch was holding them. I blushed. He's holding my hands, making me create the shield. I smiled. He also smiled. Just as things were getting worse, it's getting better. I used more of my power. Then, water came out of nowhere and put it out. The carpet floor sucked in the water like a sponge. Our rooms were burnt down. But at least we can rebuild. I put my hands down, and the shield slowly disappeared. "Everything is torn apart, but not us. We're still a family." I said. I felt warmth in my heart. Everyone was smiling. Jack wasn't dead, just hurt. Revive was dead, but she's a heart. She'll come back later. As soon as I thought that, she did come back alive. Glitch sobbed of happiness. "Glitch?" Seek asked. "Yeah?" Glitch asked. "I'm sorry I was being mean to you. It's just that...I can't control it. Sometimes, I feel like I can't make it balance. I'm sorry." Seek apologized. "It's okay, Seek. And I'm sorry for making you feel bad. It's just that is someone makes me mad or something, I want to take back. I'm sorry." Glitch apologized. Seek smiled (wait what-) and so did Glitch. They gave each other a hug. Screech was with Eyes. Hide was really happy Jack was okay. Jack was also happy he wasn't dead. Revive was hurt, but she had enough power to heal everybody. She even healed herself. Everything was almost back to normal. "Let's get our lazy, sexy and shiny ass to work!" I shouted. Everyone cheered, as they got up. Things were worse. But now, they're getting better...

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