Chapter 32: Heal

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Third Person POV:

A few days passes after the, well, incident. Everyone was helping fix the place. Guiding Light closed the hotel for about 5 months. The whole place was torn up, so she estimated how long they will finished. They worked on the bedrooms first, so they have a place where they can sleep. Screech and Eyes went to buy beds. Guiding Light gave them the money. Seek fixed the broken windows. "Window." he said. Figure handed him a window. "Window frame." Seek said. Figure handed a hammer. "Huh? What the fu-" Seek started. "It's the window pane!" Figure said. "THIS IS A HAMMER!" Seek shouted. "Oopsies." Figure said, as he gave Seek a screwdriver. Seek was explaining what a window pane is, until the window shattered on the floor. Hide and Jack replacing the carpet on the floor. Whenever someone was stepping on the carpet that hasn't been removed, they'd have to ride on Hide while Jack took out the carpet. They decided to place fake grass instead of carpet, to make it more outdoors-sy. Guiding Light, Glitch and Revive were placing the furniture when Hide and Jack finished placing the fake grass. Shadow banished Void for being a terrible boss. Guiding Light was the new boss now. Everyone was at work. and then after the day, when it was dark, they took a break. They finished almost everything. Screech and Eyes came back with the beds. "Good job, everyone." Revive gave a thumbs-up. The place was healing together again, and so were the entities. "Let's talk about some dumb stuff." Eyes said. So everyone sat on the floor and talked. everything was now better, even after a few improvements. Just as soon it was bed, they went to sleep in each other's rooms, since Seek and Figure didn't finish all the rooms. Hide slept with Jack, Screech with Eyes, Guiding Light, Revive and Glitch slept together, Seek and Figure were together and Halt slept on the couch outside. (LMAO) Everyone drifted off peacefully, ready to get their ass working even more tomorrow. 

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