Chapter 14: RUN!💨

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Halt went to open the door. But it was someone NEW someone nobody had seen before. "J-JEFF THE KILLER?!?!?!?!!!" Halt cried. "GO TO SLEEP." he said. He started stabbing Halt, but he was made of air, so the knife went right through. But he stabbed Halt in the eye, and halt groaned with pain. Jeff the Killer went to the rest of the entities. "Figure!" Seek cried. "We have to do something!" "Let's lead him to the courtyard, then kill him. Jeff the Killer ran towards Seek, and Seek screamed like a girl. "Lead him to the courtyard!" Figure shouted. Seek nodded, then ran as fast as he could there. "I've chased people before, but they've never chased me!" he cried. As Seek reached the courtyard, he saw Figure waiting. Figure leaped at Jeff like a tiger. He tackled Jeff, and he dropped the knife. Figure quickly grabbed it and got up. He held it. Jeff got up. "Give me my knife..." he whispered. "Never." Figure said. "GIVE ME MY KNIFE!" he whispered-yelled. "NEVER! I'LL NEVER GIVE IT TO YOU!" Figure shouted. He charged forward, and stabbed Jeff with it. Jeff laid on the floor, dead. Figure felt some liquid on his hand. He licked it. It was the blood from Jeff. Since almost every entity was hurt, they had to get band-aids from the infirmary. Guiding Light covered one of Halt's eyes. Ambush got stabbed on the head, and it got infected. So they had to also wrap it. Eyes was stabbed on one of the eyes, too. Screech wasn't hurt or anything. He was just worried about Eyes. Eyes was traumatized from Seek and was hurt by Jeff the Killer. While everyone was getting fixed, Seek just stared at Figure. "Hmm?" Figure asked. "Seek, I noticed you're looking at me. Why?" "You're just my best boy-friend I ever had." Seek said. "Oh! Uh...thanks??" Figure said. "And even though I can't see you, I bet you're very beautiful." Seek pulled Figure into a kiss again. "Seek? Can I ask you something?" Glitch asked. Guiding Light came with Glitch. "Do Figure?"

(OMG Glitch why ask that?!?!)

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