Chapter 12: We're Back!!

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As the 4 entities made their way, trouble was folding up at the hotel. "What do you mean Seek, Figure and Screech are gone?!" ??? said. "I-it was an accident!" Guiding Light said. "I knew you were untrustworthy. You lost them, and they can't be found..." ??? scolded. "Go look for them. Even with your friends." Guiding Light got up, and walked to the rest of the entities. "Look for them everywhere!" Guiding Light said. "Even door 100?!" Ambush said. "No. It's too far. They could've NOT gone there. Check rooms 0-90." Guiding Light ordered. "Yes, sir!" Hide said. So they looked. Meanwhile with Seek, Figure and Screech, there was only one door left. Figure caught the boulder, because he was strong.  As they opened the door, it was quite simple. Silence went to a wall, which had a camouflaged button. He pressed it, and a secret door on the wall opened. The elevator doors opened. "Bye, Silence. Thank you so much for everything." Figure said. Seek gave Silence a hug, and Screech waved 'bye'. They got in the elevator. "It was fun having you guys!" Silence said. then, the doors closed. The elevator headed up. Later, they arrived at door 0. The elevator door opened. "Seek! Figure! Screech!" Jack exclaimed. "JACK!" Screech said. They all ran to each other, and gave a hug. "I'm so relieved you're back! Guiding Light has been tearing the place up just to find you guys!" "We better hurry before the hotel falls apart!" Figure shouted. So they ran, and saw her in the main room. "SEEK! FIGURE! SCREECH!" Guiding Light shouted. She ran to them. "Where were you?!" "Floor 2!" Figure said. "Wait, there's a floor 2?!" Jack questioned. "Yea, it's at the end of the elevator." Screech explained. "Nice!" Jack winked. "GUYS! SEEK, FIGURE AND SCREECH ARE BACK! YOU CAN STOP LOOKING!" Guiding Light shouted loudly. "Everyone, go to your rooms. I'm gonna fix this place up." So everybody went to their rooms, but Seek and Figure went to the same bedroom. Figure's bedroom. "Wanna do the thing?" Figure asked. "Huh?" Seek said. He saw Figure's grin, and he knew what that meant. "Uh oh..."

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