Chapter 18: Day Spent Alone

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It was finally 8:00 am. I heard doors opening, so that means the entities are awake. "G' morning." Rush said. "G- morning." Hide replied. Screech was still sleeping, so I carefully and quietly exited his bedroom. "Hi, gays." I said sadly. Ambush had a new hair-cut. "Ambush cut his hair because he's going on a date with Rush." Jack said. "I like your cute, G!" Rush said. "Hey!" Ambush cried. "Come back here!" I giggled a little. The only thing that would cheer me up was SEEK. Also, Guiding Light was always in her room. I heard Glitch's heartbeats. I needed to talk with him. I walked over to him. "Glitch, can we talk at 12:00 am at midnight?" I asked. "Fine..." he sighed. I knew this day would be boring without Seek. I took a shower, went to my bedroom and put on my clothes. I know what I would do today. Explore the hotel. I went out of the main room. Oh yeah. We'd have to catch people today. I headed to the library. I stepped on a book. I picked it up and put it on the shelf. I headed to the desk and started to read. Soon, I heard footsteps. People wouldn't be showing up NOW! I heard their heartbeat. It wasn't a person It was Screech! He opened the doors. "Hey, bud. What do you want to do?" I asked in a gentle voice. "I came here to return this book!" he said. He gave the book to me. "Thank you!" I said. He left the library. I put the book away at the shelf. It's so lonely without Seek. It's always my fault. And I just made the worst mistake. I can't stop thinking of him! What should I do?! I put my hands at the top of my head, and sat. I was stressed. I told Screech not to worry. but now, I am worrying. What should I do?! It's just so lonely. It's a day spent alone...

(Short chapter again, sorry!)

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