Chapter 10: Again

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We landed on the elevator roof.  When we landed, we were stuck. The elevator was cube shape, and so the EXIT was cube shape. There were rocks all around us. "What do we do NOW, Figure?" Screech asked. "I don't know..." I said. We were hopeless. But then, the roof broke, and I landed right through the hole, inside the elevator. The doors were opened. "Oh." Screech said. As we walked through the room, or basement, we met an entity. "Who are you?" Screech asked. "I'm Depth." he said. "Aren't you the ones that Seek were talking about?" "Seek? He's here?" I asked. "Yeah." Depth said. "Want me to bring you to him?" "Yes, please!" we said. "I'm seeing my dad again!" Screech said excitedly. "And you get to see your love again." "Oh, uh...yeah." I said. Screech looked confused. "Aren't you excited to see him?" Screech asked. "Of course I am!" I said. Screech looked unsure. "Okay..." he said. We entered the room, and saw him talking with another entity. They had a white aura with a creepy face. 

"Guys! What are you doing here?" Seek shouted

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"Guys! What are you doing here?" Seek shouted. "We have come to save you from this place!" Screech said confidently. "No, no. I don't need help. I've decided to stay here." he explained. "What?!" I said. When Seek saw me, he changed his voice expression. "What's FIGURE doing here?" "Seek?" I said his name. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING HERE?!" he cried. "But Seek-" I said. "GO AWAY! I HATE YOU!" he shouted. "But-" "GO AWAY! DON'T WASTE YOUR BREATH!" "BUT I LOVE YOU!" Soon, everything stopped. All the noises. No sounds at all. "If you love me...then why'd you cheat on me?" Seek asked. "I don't know, Seek. I don't know why I did that." I explained. "But she was fake. She tried killing me! I killed her. I just...want us to start our relationship again." "Figure. I love you with all my heart. You're my priority." Seek said. "I'm sorry I got mad at you." "No, Seek. I'm sorry. I made you heartbroken, so I practically started it. I am the reason you got mad and left this place." I said. We hugged each other. Seek let out a tear, and so did I. (Idk how but deal with it!) We stayed like that for a few minutes, then let go. I pulled Seek into an unexpected kiss. "Uhh, guys? Maybe you would do this later? There's a young child over here." Silence said. "Oh. Okay!'' Seek said awkwardly. "Let's go back home." Seek said. So we got out of the room. "Silence? Where is the way to go back up?" Seek asked. "Follow me, I'll guide you there." Silence responded. So we followed him, through all the rooms, aware of danger that is waiting for us.


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