Chapter 9: Welcome to the Fire

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Figure POV:

I really wanted to get out, but I couldn't. Wait...I'm an strong entity! I can try to break the chains. I pulled with all my might, but it was no use. I pulled some more, until a screw came out. I slid my hand out, and took the other ones off. I was finally free. "What the-" my girl-friend said. "You shouldn't deserve to live!" I shouted. I grabbed a lighter I found once in the library, and opened the cap. I turned it on, and lit the floor. It started to get on fire, and it was spreading. I ran out the door, then closed the door. "F-FIGURE! DON'T DO THIS!" she cried. I could hear her inside the room. Everything burned down after a while. My bedroom was destroyed. but the fire was still going on. I needed to find Seek. But Guiding Light came, and she was pretty shocked. "FIGURE! WHAT IS HAPPENING?!" she asked. She put out the fire. We were lucky it didn't spread to the other rooms. I didn't hear my girl-friend's heartbeats. She was dead. "Figure, what the fuck happened?" Guiding light asked. "I don't have time to explain." I said. I ran out of the room. "Figure, wait!" Guiding Light shouted. I went back starting at door 0. I walked through all the rooms. maybe I'll hear his heartbeat and I'll find him! just then, I heard a heartbeat, but it wasn't Seek's. It was Screech's, and he was...crying? "Screech? What's wrong?" I asked in a calm voice. "S-Seek! H-he's gone! He told me yesterday l-la-last night t-that he wouldn't leave, and he d-did! he lied!" he continued sobbing. "Screech? Would you like to help me look for him? I'm checking all the rooms." Screech nodded, then he got up. I held his hand, and he held mine. Was I the reason Seek left? Or was it somebody? It has to be me. The time he knocked on my door last night...the way he started to cry when I was making it out with somebody else. He ran away. I thought he would just stay in his room, not leave the hotel! "Figure?" Screech asked. "Yeah?" I asked. "Do you know why Seek left?" he asked. "I-I don't know!" I lied. I felt my face turn red, and tried to hide it. "Why does your face turn red when you are next to him and when I just say his name, you start to blush?" Screech asked. "I don't know!" I replied. Yikes. That was embarrassing. But at least it was better than telling Screech that I were the cause. After an hour, we still haven't found him. "We're getting close to door 100, do you hope he's there?" Screech asked. He sure WAS worried. "Think positive, Screech." I said. "Good thoughts will bring good luck." Screech nodded. We were at door 100. "He's here, I just know it." Screech said. We explored the place, trying to find anything suspicious. We saw all the batteries at the place. "Wait, let's check the elevator." I said. We went upstairs, and saw the door opened. We reached it, and it seems like he got on it, and went to the basement. So he IS still in this hotel, but on a different floor. "Should we hop down?" I asked. "Sure." Screech said. "If it meant looking for my father and seeing him again." "Hope in my arms." I said. He hopped in my arms, and I carried him. I hopped down, hoping it would lead me-i mean US to Seek.


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