Chapter 3: Sunday (And A Big Surprise 😳)

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Third Person POV:

Seek and Figure were still dreaming about fucking each other, while Screech, Eyes and Timothy were playing. It was finally a sunny day outside, so they went out to enjoy as much as they can.

The sun barely shines at the hotel. You've got to enjoy on what you can enjoy! They were especially the ones who loved sunshine, except the rest of the entities who disliked sun. They like snow, but Eyes said it's too cold out there.

He has seasonal allergies.

"Hey! Guys! Let's spy on Seek and Figure!" Timothy shouted with his small, high-pitched voice. He waved to Eyes and Screech, who eventually heard him, even though Timothy is small.

"Never judge a spider!" Timothy would say, loosening the tie on his neck. He once screamed in Figure's ear for saying that Timothy was just a spider with no feelings.

"Why?" Screech asked. "I- I mean WE will totally get in trouble by Seek that he will throw us out because we have to respect his privacy. He doesn't even want us getting close to his man. His man is Figure, and they have been in love ever since 2 years ago! Seek thinks of Figure as his husband!"

"So? We don't care. It's not our business! Plus, THEY are the ones who love each other. Let's spy on them!" Eyes said. He was still mad at Guiding Light, but really liked playing with Screech and Timothy. They took her off his mind.

"Fine, if Eyes is going, then I am coming along with him." Screech sighed. "BUT! If we get in trouble, I'm blaming it on Eyes. Timothy is just a child. Eyes also agreed to do this, but Timothy asked if we should do this, so in fact, I would blame Tim-"

"SHUT YOUR ASS UP, BITCH!!" Timothy shouted.

"Shh." Eyes shushed little Timothy.

 They headed inside the hotel, tip-toed to the bedroom door and opened it silently, trying to not giggle. "Oh. My. FUCKING. GOD." Screech whispered. "THIS IS ACTUALLY MORE FUN THAN I THOUGHT."

"They're sleeping naked! With each other!" Timothy cried like he was going to explode. Eyes just stared at the meaty entity and inky puddle, then he had such a brilliant idea!

He immediately pinned Screech to the floor. He closed the door quietly and looked around. Eyes looked at Screech and kissed him. 

Screech moaned.

Eyes bit his lips, asking for an entrance. Screech tried to fight back. He wouldn't open his mouth. He knew if Seek woke up, Seek would totally get both of them in trouble for making it out. Screech was always too young.

Screech tried pushing Eyes off him, but then Eyes grabbed his hands and put them on the floor. Eyes let go of the kiss, then told something to Screech. 



"Damn it."

"Yeah, make me."

"I'ma suck on your d!ck."

"This is a story with no smut."



"Fine, I'ma kiss you again and bit on your lips harder, until you get a bruise and you moan like a mess, then I can feel inside you."

"AYO." Timothy said. 

The little spider watching the 2 love-birds was in shock. Screech seemed confused at first. 

"Kiss me." his eyes looked so romantic. 

Eyes kissed him, and Screech opened his mouth. Eyes slipped is tongue in, and explored every inch. He took his tongue out his saliva was connecting to Screech's.

"I-have something to confess..." Eyes blushed. "I love you. I have been in love with you my entire life, ever since you came to this hotel. When saw you at first, I thought you were ugly. I love every part of you. Your body, your ink, your face and, practically much everything. I love you so much I can't describe you anymore. You were my first true love. Do you love me?" 

Screech just laid there, pinned on the floor. "Of course I do." Screech said romantically. He kissed Eyes again. "Guys? There is a little spider here who thinks that this is so disturbing-"

Eyes slapped Timothy away on the sofa, still kissing Screech passionately.

 The 2 lovebirds didn't care if Timothy got hurt. All they cared was about each other, and how they will never let each other go. They headed in Eye's room, holding hands, and leaving Timothy there, actually writhing in pain a bit.

"Hmph!" he cried, as he did his cute, little spider walk back to his room. 

Seek and Figure had woken up, put on their clothes and headed outside. 

Figure POV:

I'm going to try to confess to Seek. I need to get my feelings out. But, I don't know if I'm ready for today, so how about tomorrow? But tomorrow's Monday, when we have work. Maybe after work. yeah, that's a good idea.  

I grabbed 2 bowls, grabbed the milk gallon, and grabbed cereal from the cabinets. It was called Cinnamon Toast Crunch. My favorite cereal in the world. If Glitch hadn't brought it from the grocery store, my life would almost end. 

If Seek weren't here, I would kill myself.

Seek POV:

Figure poured cereal into my bowl, poured some into HIS bowl, and poured milk, too. We sat down at the tables and ate our breakfast. 

"So...what do you want to do today?" I asked. 

"I don't know." 

"Well, I have something to ask you, Figure." 

 "Go for it." 

"Would you..." 

 "Would I what?" 

 "Would you like to go watch a movie with me?" 

 I closed my eyes, afraid of his reaction. I started to get a little hot. 

"Of course!" Figure said. "It's fun when I get to spend time with you." 

So then we put our dishes away, but didn't go out yet. It was pretty early, when the cinemas didn't open yet. I can't believe this. Figure actually agreed to go out with me. I just asked him out and he actually said, "Yes." I smiled. While we waited until 6:00 pm, which was 10 hours until that time. 

So we did our usual. Play with the other entities, watched Bluey, and of course, made it out. HEHEHEHHEHEHEHEEEEE!!!

Sooooo I'm now in MIDDLE SCHOOL so please just be patient if I don't reply quickly enough or I won't update often. Very sorry. Hope ya big booties understand. (No offense!)

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