Chapter 0

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A/N: ok an author note as the first chapter is shit but I figured I should explain Gorillaz a little if some random ass person who doesn't know them reads this shit. If you already know the lore you can skip this though, I might edit some stuff though because it's a fanfic so like don't yell at me over that.

Murdoc and 2D have always had an interesting relationship, Murdoc got 2D to join the band Gorillaz after hititing him with his car, and crashing 2D through the windshield at a different time. His sentance for hitting him and causing his eye fracture was to basically watch him until he woke up from coma. The second car accident actually woke up him up so it was win win. When 2D stood up Murdoc knew that someone as tall, pretty, that spikey, attractive blue hair had to be important to his band. That's when he knew he had to be the singer. Murdoc isn't exactly perfect though. He hits 2D a lot, which is pretty terrible as you can imagine. When he gets hit his eyes go all dark and Murdoc likes that. Even if that's all he wanted it's still pretty mean. 2D's always felt kind of trapped because of his injury, like he now has to stay with Murdoc or else he'll die off on his own which is why he hasn't left. His actual dream was to work at a fun fair but Gorillaz will be fine for now. Remember when I said Murdoc isn't perfect? Yeah he's a real dickhead sometimes. He has his moments, but I mean pent up emotional issues don't always come out right when you've never gone to therapy or anything. Murdoc has pretty shit mental health because he was abused as a child (that's cannon too btw, it's on the wiki) and that is not an excuse but it maybe makes a little more sense on why he acts the way he does. Murdoc just drinks his problems away though, which only makes more problems for him when he gets hungover and super agitated at everyone and everything. 2D describes his feelings after sort of being kidnapped/forced into the band as pain, frustration, humiliation, immaculation and fear. He'll be fine though, despite all that his feelings are just ignored most of the time which isn't healthy or anything but he gets by fine. Music actual helps him in a way. Atleast music gives him a sense of control, even if he just has to listen to Murdoc's insane ideas most of the time. That's how the singer and the bassist met, but you probably wonder about the others. Well, Murdoc just kidnapped the drummer (Russel/Russell? Idk spelling). Russell is an interesting fellow, he's really good at drumming and used to be in a gang with his best friend Del until he got killed. Del possessed Russell though and so whenever Russell falls asleep Del comes out to visit sometimes. Also , cannonically i dont know why Del disappeared or what happened to him so idk if Del's gonna be a big part of this story anyway.

They actually had a guitarist at one point, 2D's ex girlfriend, but she cheated on 2D by having some "fun time" with Murdoc in the toilets of Kong Studios. She got kicked out after that and Murdoc got his nose broken again by Russell. Murdoc's nose has cannonically been broken like 8 times. After Paula left they placed an ad in a magazine or something that was so vague it basically only said "No hippies", soon later they got a fed ex crate outside and inside was Noodle, a little girl from Japan. They were now a band. Skip forward a bit, their now on an album called Plastic Beach. Their home is in danger from pirates so they got on a boat with some disguises to hide for a while. That failed. Russell just tried to swim back Kong Studios, Noodle tried to fight the pirates but eventually got in a life boat all alone, 2D and Murdoc were in a submarine shaped like a shark escaping with some of the other passengers (they had their own subs though) and Murdoc also had his invention "Cyborg Noodle", (which he made for defense or something), in the sub as well. I think this is about where I'm going to start off the fanfic but move back a bit because I wanna do some melancholy hill POV stuff anyway I hope this makes sense where the time is in the fic.

Oh yeah, 2D and Murdoc, (dispite Murdoc being fucking stupid for almost every phase until he went to jail) have a whole "friends with benefits" thing going on. This is a 2doc story still.

I'm respecting this again: I don't know ALL Gorillaz lore yet because there's so much to read, so some of this might just be a mix of whatever I changed for the fic and high assumptions.

HEAVILY INSPIRED BY "dairy" from RyanIsNotHere

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