Murdoc problems

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A/N: THEY'RE TALKING ABOUT THE BAND BTW, NOT EACH OTHER. I DON'T SHIP ANYONE WITH NOODLE. Thank you for 95 reads and sorry this chapter took so long I've been dealing with a lot. (Did not edit bc I usually never do)

Noodle POV:

When I brought Murdoc home he smelled like spoiled food. If he doesn't take a bath soon I'm going to break that old man's arthritis-induced knees. I'm 30 years old and yet I'm the one who has to take care of them now. Once 2D and Murdoc come out of his room I'm gonna beat the shit out of green man. Me and Russel started working on making dinner together. He was oddly quiet this time. Usually he tells me a story or something while he washes the dishes and prepares the stove and such. Listening to Russel's stories is why I don't rush to my room right after dinner, he may just stand there and wash plates for an hour but the stories. I can picture them piece by piece in my mind. It was a lot of fun as a kid. "Russel, are you okay?" I finally said, shattering the deep silence that was previously drowning us in emptiness. ,He sighs "just thinking" he replied like he was conceited. "About what?" I persisted. "Well, it's just that time is passin' so fast. It feels kind of crazy. I'm just worried about it I guess" Russel said vaguely while sort of dodging the question at the end there. I am not going to just let this slide, he can't just expect me not to care - who does he think I am? "Well, we're all still together, right?" I told him, trying to lighten the mood. "Yeah, that is what's important. I just, don't wanna lose it, ya know?" He trailed off. He's right though, we have been together for a long time. What if we get bored? Knowing Murdoc he'll always have crazy ideas for us to be doing but maybe Russel is right. What if we do get bored of each other, or break up again? There's still so much we haven't done. Actually, now that I think about it that makes me believe even stronger that we're going to be fine. We litterally spend almost every single day together watching movies, making videos, goofing around, cooking together, cleaning together, doing shows/concerts, arguing, getting over it. I think we can go way much longer doing these. I started to smile and laugh thinking about the memories we've made. "What's so funny?" Russel started to smile. "I promise you, we're going to be fine" I smile. "What makes you so sure? I mean. I dunno, I feel pretty serious about it all man" he shrugged. "No, I know. But we've come this far, right? We've been through too much for anything to tear the band apart" I reassure him. I watch his reaction, he started to smile. "You're right Noodle, thanks for that" we finished cleaning together and then went to watch TV. We watched Stranger Things. I think my favorite is Eleven, Russ likes Dustin/Dusty. We watched that for a long while. Russel fell asleep in the livingroom and I got up to get him some blankets. I left the window cracked for him and put the blankets on him, turned the light off, then headed to my room. I got in pajamas, laid in bed and played my Gameboy color late into the night. Around 2am I heard Murdoc and 2D having their "alone time". Uhgggg. Goddamnit Murdoc. I'm so gonna bother them tomorrow about it.


In the morning I woke up super early to make everyone breakfast. I made Russel fluffy pancakes, just perfect. When 2D and Murdoc got up I had my own ideas on how to get back at them. Russel was pretty confused that I got up even early than he does all for breakfast. I told him just to wait. I mean I got up at 5am for this so I hope those old bastards end up feeling bad for keeping me up. Murdoc's really gonna pay though, he's been nothing but a nuisance ever since he got out of prison! I'm knocking sense into his soft skull, even if I have to use physical force. When they finally came to the table I served them. Murdoc immediately caught on when he looked at the circular charcoal I had just served him. 2D didn't seem angry, but confused when he saw that his were undercooked. I smirked and crossed my arms as I looked back at them. Russel and Murdoc looked at each other as if they were having a whole conversation but in complete silence. When Murdoc looked back at me he took a breath, more calm than before. "Eh, Noodle, what is this? What is this about?" He tried to sound polite. Unlike him really, but at least he knows he'd never win against me. I took a breath, as he did, and started to smile as now I prepare to tear into him. I slammed my hands down in the countertop they were sitting at. The dishes rattled and they moved back a bit. "You two kept me up all night with your fucking moaning and screaming!" I yelled at 2D and Murdoc, finally getting my revenge. Stuart was bright red and Murdoc was pretty dumbfounded. "AND YOU, MUDS" I added. "YOU'VE DONE NOTHING BUT BE A NUISANCE EVER SINCE BEING IN PRISON AND COMING OUT, THE LEAST YOU CAN DO AROUND HERE IS HELP OUT AND MAYBE TAKE A BATH EVERY ONCE IN A WHILE" I glared. Russel looked shocked but he 100% agreed. Russel helped me deal with the leftovers and cleaning the kitchen after. Murdoc went to his room like the angst king he is, 2D went to watch TV. Before though they all agreed to let me have a good night's rest for a little while once we're done with our daily agenda. Peace at last. I sigh in relief, Russel took over the chores for me though I wish I could've stayed to help, but I mean I'm not house wife so I'm not gonna fight it. I headed to my room to catch up on some sleep like I deserve. Bye.

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