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Tw: ⚠️phasmophobia (no puns intended, I mean the legit mention of ghost scaring the shit outta people), force-feeding mention, alcohol consumption⚠️

I was cleanin my room late at night, finkin about what Murdoc said. Noodle has been pretty good about keepin the ghost away for now but I still fink my room is haunted. It's been really cold in here, no matter how clean I keep it it's always destroyed in the morning, I fink that kind of ghost is called a poltergeist? Either way I don't like it, my room is awful.. I'm always gettin the short end of the stick, and Murdoc doesnt even care about the ghost. I trust that Noodle will help out but I can't help feelin loik I'm still goin to be tortured, I mean our first day here the fridge tried to suffocate me. As I swept the old, dusty wooden floor I felt those same chills I did the other night. No use tellin anyone, no one cares and I don't know where Noodle is roit now. Suddenly it isn't just a chill on my spine.. I feel like somefing's actually.. entering my conscience..

No one POV, next day

The band was on their way out to the driveway when they noticed 2D suddenly stopped. He was acting strange. The lights flickered and doors around started slamming open and closed repeatedly. 2D's eyes changed from dark to a ghostly, haunting shade of white. Murdoc snapped ,trying to get his attention. "Face ache!" He yelled. 2D punched him in the eye, then hit him in the ribs which threw Murdoc to the ground. Items around the house started floating. 2D slowly started making his way towards the others, Murdoc stared at 2D in anger and in shock. Russel and Noodle dragged Murdoc upstairs as they ran for it. 2D went to get some knifes from the kitchen and the others split up and hid in different rooms upstairs. Murdoc was being attacked by books and paintings, leaving him a little bloody and bruised in his face. Then the stairs squeaked as 2D was making his way up them. 2D listened in on one of the doors and heard Murdoc grunt as he got hit with another book. 2D smirked and opened the door. When Murdoc saw the knifes he knew he really was in danger. He could see his reflection in the knifes as one started getting closer. This was one of the worst moments in Murdoc's life, he was about to be destroyed by the person he loved. He knew Stuart wasn't in control of himself but it still hurts. 2D started to attack him with the knifes, one of them got lodged into Murdoc's shoulder and he screamed out in pain as he started to cuss out 2D. He grabbed a knife out of the wall and went to get 2D back but the ghost (using 2D) started choking out Murdoc. Murdoc fought there helplessly for a moment, then kicked 2D in the balls which oddly enough worked. Murdoc could breath again and the ghost lost it's grip on 2D a bit. Red vines started to come from cracks in the walls, they were almost going to make there way to Murdoc to suffocate him the floorboards under Murdoc started to rot. He tried to move but it was too late, he fell through. He grabbed the edge but the now repossessed 2D wasn't going to let him survive. The knife still lodged in Murdoc was only hurting him even more. Noodle and Russel busted in the room and knocked out 2D. Noodle helped Murdoc, even patched up his wounds.

When 2D regained consciousness he saw the others, Murdoc was the only one not paying attention to him. He was smoking and was clearly irritated. 2D was free from the spirit's possession, and Noodle hugged him. Russel just smiled (he doesn't say much). They unbound 2D, and he made apologies. 2D looked at the bruises and blood stain on Murdoc. He felt horribly guilty and basically started begging to be forgiven. Murdoc looked at him. His whiney, oversensitive boyfriend was back.. for now. Murdoc picked him in the eye just to be sure. "Ow! What the hell?" 2D grumbled. His eyes were dark (normal now), he was just himself again. Noodle pulled the both of them into a hug. Russel joined because he cared for Noodle, and eventually Murdoc found it in himself to forgive 2D.
The nightmare was over. I mean the house spirits were still around but Noodle got them to fuck off for the most part. "You doin ok 2D?" Russel asked. "Yeh, I fink so.." 2D half smiled. "We're goin to be late" Murdoc tells them. They headed out and got in the car. They were going to a party. Traffic was awful like it usually is in London but they set off and Noodle was the first to go in, she started tearing up the dance floor. The room smelled like sweat, weed, alcohol , and other gross things. 2D ,Russel, and Murdoc went to sit down. 2D soon joined Noodle and they had a good time. Murdoc sat around bored for a good while, until he spotted a bar. He headed to the bar area and started to get himself some drinks. At first it was a lot of Whiskey, then a Long Island Iced Tea because Murdoc had a high alcohol tolerance. A man joined Murdoc at the bar counter. Murdoc thought not much would come out of it other than a fling opportunity. Likely because of the alcohol influence in both of the men, they managed to become great friends and talked late into the night. Russel just kind of watched Noodle all night since he was the more responsible of the band members. He knew Murdoc would be shit faced by the end of the night. The other party goers were really fired up for 2D and Noodle. Everything was going smooth sailing for everyone. Murdoc gave the man a picture, which he assumed was what he wanted from the start but that wasn't all. The man gave Murdoc a business card, which Murdoc kept to himself. Murdoc grabbed the man by the arm and went to introduce him to the only band member that wasn't busy. "Heyy Russ! I want you to meet my friend ,nyheheheh" Murdoc smiled. "Uh huh" Russel looked at the man suspiciously. Russel didn't trust him. "Uh, mate, what's your name again?" Murdoc asked very drunkenly. The man took an uncomfortable pause before answering.. "..Oliver.. Thompson" he answered. Russel was now even more suspicious of the man. "Oh ,Russ, he's great! You'll love him, I'm goin to be inviting him over all of the time to hangout from now on, he's like my best mate!" Murdoc did a lot of insane things when drunk, but Russel just wouldn't accept this. "I thought your best mate was Cortez." Russel said angrily. Murdoc stopped smiling as much. ".. Cortez was- it wasn't.. look let's just stop talking about this!" He yelled. 2D saw the commotion happening in the distance, alerted Noodle, then headed over to see what was happening. Murdoc was about to get in a fist fight with Russel when 2D showed up. "Muds? What's going on?" 2D mumbled. Noodle glared at the two, she hated when they fought. Murdoc didn't feel like talking, he was annoyed now. "Let's just go home" Murdoc complained. "Wot? But we're having fun here.." 2D tried to fight. "Well I'M NOT!" Murdoc took the car keys from his pocket and headed out. Russel went after him because he knew how drunk Murdoc was, and the other two followed to make sure they didn't kill each other. When they got outside Russel and Murdoc were arguing. "I'm perfecttlyy fine to drive the car! I'm just a little buzzedd!" Murdoc said, slurring his words. "Man, you're gonna get sent to jail or somethin! Let someone who's sober drive!" Russel argued. They then started fighting over the keys like children. Noodle went to break up the fight, which didn't result in her getting injured at all since they both were afraid of hurting her. "Keys! Now" Noodle demanded. Russel gave her the keys and she told them where they were and weren't allowed to sit in the car so they wouldn't be close to each other. Murdoc convinced them into letting his friend Oliver tag along and even though no one liked him they didn't fight it, they figured Murdoc would get over it in the morning. They went back home (because Murdoc ruins everything).


Thank you for 60 reads!!

*Did not edit

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