Cloud of unknowing

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Tw: ⚠️smoking & alcohol mentions, potential PTSD⚠️

Ace POV:

I tried textin' 2D for the first time in a while. I think I'm having some sort of crisis. I know last time I saw him I was pissed at him but I really need someone's help right now and it's too weird for Murdoc to wanna help, and Noodle's just a little kid ,ya know.. I think I'm in love.. and I know its stupid because i didn't think i COULD fall in love again. But Snake, he's stolen my heart <3
I dunno what to do because if I ain't aromantic and asexual then what am I?.. I could really use some help.. I asked Murdoc if he knew why 2D doesn't answer his phone and he said that 2D probably has me blocked because 2D doesn't like me. Well that ain't very nice >:(
I guess I'll deal with this myself after all.. I wonder how Noodle is doing. I decided to message her to check on her.

★ 💚= Ace 🍜=Noodle ★

💚: Hey

🍜: hi :)

💚: hru

🍜: 👍

💚: k.


🍜: actually, I think I'm having a small crisis.

{Read by Ace at 2pm}

💚: oh no! What's wrong? :[

🍜: i don't think I'm a girl, not fully anyway. Like, some kind of LGBTQ+ identity maybe? Does that sound weird?

💚: no ,of course not! My friend Snake is a trans male so I sort of understand :)

{Read by Noodle at 2:10 pm ••• 8pm:}

🍜: i think I'm pangender??

💚: whatever you are ,I'm happy for you

🍜: i just feel more feminine one moment, masculine the next, and then anything else other times.

💚: so what pronouns should I use?

🍜: uh, I'll let you know depending on the day. So for example, I feel like she/they as of now

💚: okay! I'm glad you felt you could tell me this <3/p

🍜: of course, you're one of my closest friends.

{End of messages}

I hope she's okay. Damn it's gettin' cold for mid July. The night was cool as the wind blows softly against my body. I was walking around my hometown to clear my head a bit. I never was really one to smoke or drink really. I wonder if it really helps though, all the smokers and alcoholics are borderline miserable and practically have a panic attack if they can't find their flask, vape, cigarettes, ECT. It kind of freaks me out. I mean sure I've had a beers in my life but I'm not addicted to anything. I think this whole sexuality crisis has kinda got me down. Feels like there's a hole in my head. I know that doesn't make any sense, but I just don't feel right, ya know? Maybe I'll get it one day. I'd talk to mg friends about it but I don't even know if they'd understand or support/help me. I mean I know Snake would but how am I supposed to talk about my sexuality to Snake if Snake is the reason I might actually be in love with someone? Or maybe I was stupid and I was never aromantic at all. Maybe I was demiromantic and I didn't know it or something. This shit gets really confusing. Maybe I could talk to Noodle! But she just found out she's pangender, so if I add my problems on top of hers.. no, I'll figure this out! I gotta, I'm strong! I wonder what mom would say.. mom loved me a lot. Would she still love me even if I do end up dating Snake? I wish she was still around to answer this stuff..

Noodle POV;

Talking to Ace today really helped my confidence. I think I should tell the others too. Murdoc knows I'm asexual already but I feel like I should be open about this too. Being closeted is cramped and uncomfortable, around these guys as well I don't feel it's necessary. I mean Murdoc's been openly bisexual and he didn't even *have* a coming out, he just is himself. I kind of want to be like that. Only in this scenario of course, Murdoc would be a horrible role model in any other sense. I'll start with 2D. He's like a brother to me ^^ a little brother though because he's not "all there" for obvious reasons, no offense though- I still love him. I get off my mattress and open my wooden door, heading to 2D's room. I knock but there isn't a response. Surely he isn't asleep, it's not that late. I slowly hear in. I turn on the light and poke at the blankets on his mattress but he isn't here. "Stuart?" Now I'm confused. Where could he have gone? Maybe Murdoc knows. When I found Murdoc I asked him. "Haven't seen him in hours now that you bring it up, why?"

Well fucking great. He's fucking missing at this point. I head to the livingroom while continuing my search. Russel was flipping through the channels when one finally caught his eye. He just stared into the screen now, like he wasn't even here anymore. "Russel?" I poked his arm. No response other than a twitch. What's going on here? Why is he staring at the screen like that? Why is it gone static? I thought static only occured on extremely old TVs. Is Ace the only normal person left in the world? Where's 2D? I have to keep looking for 2D. I kept searching around the house for a while. By midnight Murdoc was in the kitchen getting half a glass of vodka. He finally approached me. "Uh Noodle, it's kind of late, don't you think?" He scratched the back of his neck. "but Stuart is gone still!". Murdoc sighs "well tell you this, if he isn't back by tomorrow we'll all have a good look around. Promise" he sipped his glass. I signed. I am pretty tired, I guess I should go to bed. "Fine" I finally replied. I headed off to my room. I still couldn't sleep knowing Stuart is out there, possibly in trouble. I stare into the dark emptiness of my room for a while. Eventually fatigue washes over me and naturally I feel asleep.


This chapter  is really confusing and I'm sorry for that it's not great I don't think but anyway I just wanted to say I'm having a recurrent issue where my videos and pictures I put at the top don't save, idk why, anyway sorry about that. Thank you for 100  reads!! Did not edit bc I don't
Also my phone had a stroke while writing the end paragraph so if it looks bad that might be why. For some reason my phone keeps lagging out and saying stuff like "system ui isn't working", "Wattpad isn't working", "discord isn't working" ECT. I don't know how to fix that I just hope it's not fatal. Anyway that's all :) xoxoxoxo ~Author

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