Finding myself

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Noodle POV:

Maybe 2D is rigt. Maybe findin ourselves is what we all need rigt now. I mean, I knoe nothin of my past. May bee it kan help. I sih and start pacing my thingz. I remembr bein shipt in a craet to Englan from Japan but may bee it woud help me more to actully go there and relearn somethinz about myself may bee. Del Is watching me, confuse and woreid but ill be ok. "Noodle, what are you doin'?" He askd. "To lern my past" I tel him. He treid to convinz me out of it but I maid up my mind. 私は自分自身を見つけるつもりです. Del left to get Russel but he cant stop me eithr. "Noodle, I think you should wait a minute; you're only 15. Are you sure this is what you want?" His words iritaeted me. I jus nodded an then left. I usd my phone to figur out how to get to Japan. I followed the map an it led me to a buildin with planes. When I was a kid I thouht birds are wut took people in an out of the countri. I walkd up to the countr an askd to go to Japan. The pale, thin, blonde woman seemd confusd and annoyd on how I askd. I've never don anythin myself before, usualie Murdoc or Russel and 2D go places with me. "Ma'am you have to pay for a ticket then and show your passport" she teld me. "パスポート?" I repeted nervusly. This woman maks me feel stupid.. "日本に行かなければなりません!" I shoutd at her. She eventually gave up and jus pointd to a plane's boardin line. Finalie. The lady lets them kno to jus let me on the flight. The flight was very long and I landed near a shore. I decided to help the local fishermans. I think they were clos to oferin me a home to. I think I finalie have it figurd out. Im sur within time I'll recovr my memories too! The fishermen said I was really helpful so they said maybe if I talked to the village's best pearl divr, Chiyoko. Once they gave me the information on Chiyoko's whereabouts I headed straeht ther. Chiyoko was mor then happy to take me in, on the condition I help her with her pearl business. I agreed to go look for pearls with her the next mornin. In the mornin she maid miso soup with rice an ohitashi! I ate the breakfast, then went to help her find pearls. She gave me gear an everythin I needed. When I went to look for pearls with her I found a giant clam, which I was hoping woud have a really nice pearl but when I opend it there was only a demon inside (Maazu).. which I had jus accidentalie freed.. fuck. I swam back up. I tried to warn the others about the demon. I told them I was goin to kill it. I went to get a weapon to cut its head off but by the time I got back it was gone. Now I have to track it down.
I spent atleast a year trackin it down after that..
I found him in Tokyo, hidin among the humans. He was workin wit "underground" criminals. I had to trick him now. I disguised myself as a Geisha an got into his headquarters, the Demon's Lodge. Maazu was distractud by some alcoholic game. Perfect. While I had the chance I cut his head off, ending it's earthly existence. I escaped his sumo bodyguards an packd myself into a FedEx crate with some water, dried fish, and a copy of Moby Dick. I addressed it to Murdoc, I gues he had gotten out of jail, but all that matters is that I'm going home! Being here really did help, recovering my past though.. that was a process. I found out while I was at a Sushi Bar in Osaka that my memory was wiped, like I had been made to forget the past. It was the strangest thing, I only was able to remember when a waiter told the chef someone had ordered Ocean Bacon. After recovering my memory I learned that I can speak English fluently, and many other languages! After that I reunited with my mentor, Mr. Kyoto, who after talking for a while revealed I was part of a secret government weapon project that ended up being shut down. I was the only survivor from the project but he couldn't bring himself to kill me, but he had to for the others. Turns out he was the one who sent me to England. I assume we must've talked about me wanting to be a guitarist at some point before and that's how I ended up on the Gorillaz doorstep the first time.


Okay so I confused a lot of the lore,that's my bad, but it's mostly just the phase 2 and phase 3 lore. Apparently Noodle has been to Japan twice cannonically?? And she gained her memory back in phase 2 but I thought it was longer than that bc I'm stupid. Either way I'll make it work, it just kind of peeves me a bit. Sorry if this is confusing for anyone! Gorillaz is really hard to get all lore accurate, and I understand this is my fanfic so I don't have to do that but I prefer to *somewhat* anyway next chapter will hopefully start setting things back to normal, and we'll see 2D again and get back to Russel (I finally learned which way to spell it btw!). Hopefully I can get back to the ACTUAL angst soon bc 2D and Murdoc need to get their shit together.

*Did not edit (I never edit ,mb)

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