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Murdoc POV, continued:

TW: ⚠️smoking, kidnapping ⚠️

Noodle and Russell got waffles with whipped cream and fruit while 2D watched TV, not saying a word to me. I sighed and decided to actually talk to him today. "Stu" I said, getting his attention. He looked at me. "So what are your ideas for our next album?" I asked him. "Our next album?!..roit.. Murdoc, I fink.. I fink I need a break from makin music for a bit" he wants to leave?.. Noodle looked the most upset, actually. "But what about the band?" I also nervously. He rolled his eyes. "I fink it'll be good for me, for some self discovery an all that" he rubbed the hair on the back of his neck anxiously. I sigh. "What about us, Muds?" Russell asked me what I was planning to do. "Well for me, I guess I'm going to find a house in London for a bit, figure shit out from there" Noodle looked at us like she just watched her parrents get divorced. Well that's fine, I don't wanna make music with the guy who almost killed me anyways! "So I guess me, Noodle and Murdoc are stayin' here until we can find a place" Russell ask, just trying to be sure of things. "Yeh. I promis it wont be forevah though" 2D says, being the only fucking person smiling in all this. Noodle runs up to him and hugs him, teary eyed. "Ah! Noodle, I promis!.." oh NOW he feels guilty. "このバカ! You can't just leave.." she says while clinging to him. They were like siblings pretty much so yeah she'll probably give him a hard time. I grab my cigarettes from the nightstand and headed out for a bit. When I came back Noodle was in the bathroom I think, and 2D was already packing. "Leaving already?" I ask. Why do I still miss him? He tried to kill me. "i-I just want to be ready.. I'll probably leave later tonight though" he answered. We can't have a band without a singer. I guess it's only a matter of time before the others find something else to do as well. Then I'll be alone.. again... Well that doesn't matter! I'm great at being alone! I'm sure the band will sort itself out, right?.. Speaking of unsorted issues ,EMI has been on my tail, lookin for me since the whole Plastic Beach situation. Why can't they just let me relax for once?! I've been through hell the past few weeks, I deserve to have a break! I'm going on a walk or something. When Russell brought me into the hotel room I picked up that we're in St. Andrews. I got up and headed for the door. "I'm going to the pier for a bit" I tell them. Russell just nods and Noodle looks at me with sad eyes but doesn't say anything. 2D doesn't even care I don't think.  I head out and go to the pier. I stare out into the water, thinking about Plastic Beach. Maybe I could rent a boat or something and look out there once more, just to see it.. I know it's gone but, maybe it could be comforting somehow? I don't know, I'm not great at understanding or dealing with emotions even if they are my own. If Cortez were here he would be comforting me.. but I destroy everything I ever care about, so of course he's not.. Cortez was one of my best mates and pet raven, and now he's gone.. I hear footsteps from behind me but I dont even vare enough to turn around. I can tell who if is by the shadow, it's 2D. He sits by me. "Hey Muds.." he says nervously. What does he want now? To try and drown me again? I sigh "hey Dents" I grumbled. I just wanted to be alone, why can't he just leave me alone?! He was going to leave me anyway so just hurry up and go! No need to make it painful. "Can we talk?.." he ask. Is that even a question? Why would I WANT to talk after what you did?! "Stuart I'm not really in the mood.." I tried to warn him. I'm already on edge, this is his final warning. Anything that happens after this isn't my fault. "Oh come on Murdoc!-" I cut him off "I SAID NO!" I yelled at him. He flinched. I got up and pulled out one of my cigarettes. I started to smoke. "I understand.." 2D says, sounding like he's about to cry. He got up and left, I guess he started sobbing on the way past me. Now I feel all achy inside.. maybe he's right, maybe the band does need a break from each other for a bit. I look back at the water to clear my thoughts again when I see a boat in the distance. Oh sweet fucking Satan IT'S EMI! I drop my cigarette and go to find 2D "STUART, STUART ACTUALLY WHERE ARE YOU?! IM READY TO TALK!!" Of course I'm not serious but if he took a car to get here that'd be great! 2D was probably a mile or so up the side wall when I came to him,  fastest I've ever run in my life, I was practically dying. I tried to speak to him but I could barely breathe. "Wh- Muds?" He looked at me, confused. I started shaking him "EMI!" Is all I could get out. "The.. record company?" He was like a damn deer in headlights! "They're after me, Stuart! Wherever you're going, I'm staying with you!" I was completely disheveled in that moment. "But Muds, i-I was goin to leave-" he mumbled. "Please Stuart! Please! I don't use that word lightly, you know" I let go of him. "I don't know Muds, I kind of need to do this self discovery thing alone.." he tapped his fingers together. "That's not what this is about!" I shouted. "Please just leave me be, Muds.." he muttered. I sighed. I looked behind me, and surely enough that blat HAD infact seen me and would be pulling up to shore to chase after me. I looked at 2D one last time but he was starting to walk away. UHG! I ran into a nearby alley but hit a dead end. I'm fucked! I gave up and sat down on the gravely cement. Sooner or later some men came to get me. They took me back to their ship, and were goin to take me to Dungeon Abbey beneath Abbey Road Studios. Fucking great. I'm kidnapped, rotting away in prison while the others don't notice and probably don't care.

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