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TW: ⚠️abandonment and Kidnapping mentions, alcohol⚠️

{Murdoc POV:}

It's been a few days since I've seen 2D. Feels like everything is fucking falling apart lately. Maybe I finally drove him away.. now I'm going to be alone.. so alone.

I haven't had enough rum.
I started to drink.
Of course he fucking left me, he did try to kill me after all. Why did I think this relationship would work? Why do I try to fix things that are almost completely broken? Things have been weird ever since I came back from jail and even though that was like 2 phases ago something just isn't right anymore. Maybe it's all this shit with Moon Flower, he astounding mystery clutching onto everything It can, consuming it whole until I'm left alone to rot.

Maybe I should confront her or something? No that won't work, she doesn't like me. I guess I have no choice but to actually spy on her more, but this time will be different. I have to find out what's going on with her and 2D, if it turns out he's cheating on me I swear to Satan I'll never forgive him. I'm going to get Noodle and Russel's help this time, I mean sure Russel's gone mad but I can't just leave him alone.
I went to talk to Noodle about things but she wasn't in her room this morning. I guess she woke up before me. I sighed and went to the kitchen to make a long island iced tea while I waited for her.


When she came back she said she had been looking for 2D at the neighbors. She didn't find anyone there but she showed me a ripped in half price of paper and thought it meant 2D was in danger. It said something about a great sacrifice and a wheel. Maybe this has something to do with what Russel's been looking for in the static. In any case, we now need to find 2D and Moon Flower, I swear if they ditched me to go fuck or get married I'll never forgive them.

I know I can be selfish and impulsive and insecure at times but under everything, there's no real reason he'd leave right? But then again, he's done it before. I keep thinking back to the lighthouse and I know I should just let it go but. I felt so alone, I WAS alone. Being abandoned isn't anything new to me, it's just an awful experience every time though. Especially when it's from someone you trust or trusted. I don't Wang this to be like those other times, I'm trying to be better and get help, I care about 2D and I know I'm shit at showing it, and my hypersexuality is a huge problem for our relationship especially when I'm around women but still, why couldn't he just wait for me?

Last time he left the band basically broke up. Everyone got so entangled in their own shit we couldn't save each other. But I can't be alone, I'm not good by myself. Satan, I'm so worried for him my hands are fucking shaking. At this rate Noodle will notice soon and ask if I'm okay and I'll have to lie to her, she always knows when we're lying and it hurts to lie to her. I just hate showing weakness, blame my past for that. I'm not getting anywhere thinking about how much I hate myself. It's just making me feel shitty. No, there has to be a better explanation.
He has to have some ulterior motive. He's gotta be getting back at me- probably for the Paula Cracker thing like 20 years ago, real mature to hold it against me for 20 years 2D. I already apologized to him for all the fuck ups I've made, what more could he want from me?! He's such a fucking non-believer. Noodle believes he's been kidnapped but I don't think so. They probably ARE going to run away and get together just to piss me off. First she steals my heart, then my star, what is she trying to do to me- to my band- to us?!

No, I need a drink- I'm getting too emotional. I was about to get me some rum when Noodle took it from me. "Pay attention!" She soured. Uhg. "C'mon Noodle, if you don't give that back you know it's not going to end well" I tried to brush it off. She continued to yell for a while and I just sort of zoned out. She eventually slammed the bottle down on the counter and went to see Russel. I got my rum finally and drank the pain away as always. I just can't deal with this tonight. Maybe by the time I can 2D will come back to us, who knows.


A few days had gone on by, everything going to shit as usual these days. Russel hasn't slept for like a week and he didn't even react when we threw out his favorite muffins. Sort of worried for the poor bastard now. Noodle is paranoid as fuck, but so am I so that's not really helping anyone. Maybe calm the fuck down a moment, Noodle, hm? Only room for one paranoid fuck at a time, heh.. 2D still isn't home. Whatever ,he'll come crawling back and worshiping me soon enough once he realizes how much he needs me. I won't crumble for you anymore, Stuart.


He's really gone isn't he.. it's been so long, I even took to the Internet for it. 2D, please come home my dear.. I know I said the fans were more worried but I promise it was bullshit, I fuckinv need you here.. I don't want to be alone anymore. I waited in the kitchen, hoping to see 2D come in the door even though I knew it was hopeless. Noodle was making some coffee for herself soon after. I stared at the door for 15 minutes until Russel finally came to talk to us, murmuring about how he figured it out. He said

On February 28th, just below the Hollywood sign a rip in time was going to occur that will allow The forever cult to stay forever young, and that they would just need a fully 100% blue flower to sacrifice.

He even added that every 25 years the cult does this, starting since 1923 with Lady Hollowdown. Noodle said she thought that had something to do with "Hollywood Land", that old ass real estate thing she talked about a little while ago now. Noodle made herself Captain of the whole "save 2D" charade, I only allowed it because I'm not sober yet but not drunk enough to trust myself with anything.


Thank you so much for 150+ reads, I'm so happy that this is my most popular story, I know I said it a million times before but I cannot believe that this is the story that might get me somewhere. I would kill to be a famous writer and if this is my ticket to that I would be so happy, thank you everyone who had read/is reading/boosted the story, I love you all so much, this means so much to me 💜💜💜


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