into Phase 7

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TW!! ⚠️Stalking mentions, drug usage/implication⚠️

A/N: ty for 100+ reads! I never thought I'd get a story this big! Writting some of this in class rn too lol like the trooper I am 😎

{??? POV}

Remember phase 4/ with the spirit house? Well the band moved out of there during phase 5 (thank fuck) and had been in LA after. They decided on a house near Silver Lake and it all in all was quite lovely, which sets one of our last scenes. What's going to happen to the band, who knows. Only time will tell, after all. Maybe Murdoc will go back to prison in phase 8, but that's why headcanons bare fun, right? Creating a world isn't always easy but they do it all for you <3

Oh how special you are <3


{2D POV}

We were hanging out in the yard one mornin while Murdoc was on the balcony, he kept staring into the neighbors yard. It made me really uncomfortable and I hope that maybe he'd look at me like that one day instead. I think he's supposed to be my boyfriend but he doesn't act like it so I don really know wif him.. maybe I should talk to Noodle about my feelings, I don know. She always knows what to say and do. The wind blows gently against my nervous body. It sort of calms me. What else is there to do around here? The grass is trimmed good already, there's this weird pillar I've been staring at for a good while. I'm trying to make sense of all the strange inscriptions. I don't recognize the language. Murdoc's been wearing more bright colors lately, don know what for. Probably to get the attention of that neighbor or whatever. If that is it then I should go over there and see why he's so interested. What makes them so special? What about me? Well actually can I really be that upset, he did um.. He did make some time for me the other day. But still! Why is he looking at them?! He's strange, I know, but this is just kind of creepy. It reminds me of how Ace used to treat me. The day he left he didn't really say any words, just gave Noodle a hug and carried his stuff out. He seemed conflicted. He stopped speaking to me at some point and I wonder what for, I mean he isn't really my favorite person or anyfing but he just seemed unlike himself. He seemed different. I wonder if being around us changed his outward attitude at all or not. It's hard to tell though because I have seen him still hanging out with his old friends. In highschool they really got into some bad things and I hope they don't reinfluence Ace, if that's even possible. It's hot outside, I mean yeah there's a breeze but I'm starting to sweat. I set down my supplies and started to head inside. Noodle follows after me. She's probably worried for me; or maybe she just wants to rant about some new video games to me again, she's been really invested in them after all. She made us a pitcher of lemonade and poured two glasses. "Fank you Noodle" I smile and sip from my cold glass. She continues to look at me. "What's going on 2D" she ask. "Hm? Wot do you mean?" I ask. "You've just seemed off all morning" She says casually. Well, I guess my thoughts have been a a bit distracting. "I'm just. I'm fine" I tried to deflect. She didn't take it. "Okay.. I'm just nervous about Murdoc's recent obsession" I told her finally. "You mean with stalking Moon Flower?"

Wot? How does she know more about them already than I do? Did I miss somefing?

"Uh, yeah" I rubb the back of my neck nervously. "Murdoc's just being stupid, okay. You know how he is around women, he probably isn't trying to actually upset you" Noodle hugged me. "I suppose that could be true.." I sighed. Noodle thought for a moment. "I have an idea. If it's really bothering you so much why don't you go try and meet them, have a glass of tea and chat, you know?" She suggest. She's right Maybe this is all a misunderstanding and It's just in my head! Yeh, it's gotta be!


Well now I have a plan atleast. "Fanks for everyfing, Noodle" I smile. I finish my lemonade and start to get ready for the day. I fink I'm goin to see them roit now, or atleast at some point today. I head to me room. I change out of my pajamas and into some nice clothes. I should see when is best to meet. I guess I'll have to talk to the neighbors either way. I smile and head on my way. Murdoc isn't outside anymore. I'm sure he's fine. Russel headed inside. It started to get eeriely cloudy out once I was all by my myself. The warm LA sun I was used to was now hidden away behind whitish grey pillows of unknowing. Even the brightness on the grass was starting to fade to a mysterious dank color of green. The gentle wind blows suddenly started to make me feel uneasy. Maybe I'm just scared of being alone, I'd be stupid to be worried in a time where there's no real danger. I sigh, feeling ashamed of my feelings, and head over to the neighbor's front yard. Their house was unlike most of the LA houses I've ever seen before. I don't want to be rude but it looked more like a shack than a house, and it's colors were different than the usual "copy paste" looking houses LA usual has to show. The colors on this house are kind of dark and creepy. I don't even know how to exactly describe the weird feeling I get by looking at it. I'm sure they'll nice people though.. they gotta be.

I knock on the door not obnoxiously but not quietly either. I await for answer. The door knob turns, a tall, statuesque figure stands in the doorway. No wonder Murdoc likes her. She seems young, probably early 20s from her looks or so. She has short, wavy brunette hair. "Hello there" she smiles. Her smile instantly eases my nerves. Something about her just melted away my anxieties. I mean I don't like her in the way Murdoc does or anyfing but for some reason I feel drawn to her like an insect to sweets and nectar. "Uh, hi. I'm 2D, me and my bandmates live next door. I was wondering if I could come in and chat wif you for a bit? Maybe over tea even? If today doesn't work though it's fine"
She thinks for a moment. I just stare and admire her while she stands there. I don't know what's gotten into me, I'm just so hypnotized by her. "Sure thing. It's lovely to meet you" She holds out her hand to show me inside. How can such a beautiful person live in a place like this?
When she brings me inside it's a lot bigger than it looks on the outside. She takes me to the livingroom and I sit on the couch. "I'll have the tea made, just give me a moment please" She leaves. It dawned on me that I haven't even caught her name yet. It feels like my head isn't clear. It's probably all in my head though.

{???: it wasn't}

She comes back and sits across from me. "This place is very lovely. I don't fink I ever caught your name" I smile. "Moon Flower, and you are?"
"Stuart Pot, but most people just call me 2D" someone dressed in strange clothing brings in a tray with the teacups and pitcher. I couldn't make out their face and they were wearing a dark outfit, almost like a cloak or a robe. They left too quickly for me to think anything of it though. It's hard to be worried when Moon's strange sent of flowers is filling the room. She pours my cup first. How polite of her :). "What flavor is the tea by the way?"
So it's my favorite then! Wait.. this is getting strange..
"Don't want it to get cold, Stuart" She smiled again. I don't know why but I drank it like she asked. It dawns on me that she didn't get herself any. I'm starting to feel even stranger.. the room is starting to spin, the flower sent is now alarming instead of calming.. I think I should get out of..

{???: and then he passed out}

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