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Murdoc POV:

I thought it was the end and I'd wake up in hell or something to be tortured by Satan but instead I woke up in a hospital bed for what I can only assume had been two or three days later. Noodle was sobbing over my body and Russell was standing there, he actually looked unphased so I can't tell why he'd actually come here to see me. Maybe he just came because of Noodle. When Noodle saw that I had gotten up she gave me the biggest hug. She started frantically apologizing to me. Why is *she* apologizing? She didn't do anything. "We though you were behind us" Russell answered. I shook my head. "When we saw 2D didn't grab you we tried to talk to him, mostly Noodle,, but he was too upset to listen to us" Russ tells me. "Does this mean I'm kicked out of the band?" I ask nervously. Who does Stuart think he is?! He can't kick me out of my own band! Can he?.. "No Murdoc, never! We love you and need you!" Noodle says before Russ could even answer. "If you leave, I leave!" She adds. She's a sweet girl but if she's serious about that, that would mean 2D would have to reach out to our old guitarist.. Paula Cracker (his ex girlfriend). I don't even want to think about that right now. "Let's figure stuff out with 2D later. When did they say I can leave the hospital?" I asked them, I'm sure Russell at least knows. He's good at keeping track of things. "You can go tomorrow I think, they usually keep people who've suffered secondary drowning for 4 or 5 days" Russell informs me. I sigh and decide to accept my fate. What's goin to happen with 2D when I get out of here though, and the band? "Visiting hours are over" a doctor says. Russell nods and looks at Noodle, she doesn't want to leave me and I can tell.. "I'll be okay Noodle" I give her a weak smile. She hugs me again and nods, then heads with Russell. Taking to doctors was exhausting, and I when I told them about the portal they then wanted to drug test me. Once they finally left me alone I went to sleep. The next day, once I was finally let out, Noodle and Russel came to take me to 2D's place. Apparently him and the others were renting a hotel room for a bit. 2D was watching Gravity Falls reruns on TV. The room had 2 queen beds and a couch. The kitchen was by the walkway and the bathroom was across from it. Noodle ran up to 2D since he was really invested in his cartoons. "Murdoc is back!" She smiled. Her English has really improved over the years. 2D smiles and hugs Noodle but his expression changed when he sees me. Maybe he feels guilty. I'm too tired to care. Wait there's only 3 places to sleep, and there's four of us. I guess I'm sleeping on the floor. Noodle comes up to me. "Are you ok Murdoc?" She asked calmly. "Yeah, I was just confused about sleeping arrangements" I mumbled. "Well Russell wanted me to have my own bed, he's on the couch, and I figured since you and D-san seem close you two could share, is that okay?" She ask. I don't wanna say 'no' to her so I agreed to it even though 2D isn't my favorite person right now. 2D overheard and looked like he wanted to argue but just headed to the bathroom instead. I sighed and went over to the bed. I laid down, Noodle continued watching the TV even though 2D wasn't there. 2D had been in the bathroom most of the night, I even forgot about him a couple times. Around 10 Russ turned all the lights off and went to the couch for bed. He beforehand asked everyone else to be quiet. Noodle moved to her own bed and I almost passed out until I remembered 2D was still in the bathroom. I walked over to the door and knocked on it. He didn't answer but I could lightly hear him sobbing. "Stuart, are you okay?" I whispered into the door. I can't hear him anymore. He opened the door and hugged me. I didn't know how to react so I kind of just gave him a pat on the head. "Are you coming to bed?" I whispered. "Just giv me a moment" he mumbled. He then headed back into the bathroom. I sighed and headed to bed, I'm tired of waiting on him. Things are really awkward between us, sure, but if he wants to mope around in the bathroom about everything that happened I don't have the energy to stop him. I mean he did leave me to fuckin drown after all. I could have died. I don't even understand how I didn't but, no use worrying about that right now. I went to sleep. When I woke up 2D was beside me. We weren't cuddling but just being around him felt nice. I miss when he was mine.. we've always had a sort of friends with benefits thing but now I'm worried something might change since him leaving me like that. He was so mad he left me to die.. I should be the one upset yet I'm spending time on him.. why do I do this?! I'm fucking Murdoc Niccals, I don't care about anyone or anything! I really need to get my shit together. I love this band though.. I can't lose it. Maybe we should start brainstorming our next album. 2D woke up and turned on the TV to watch cartoons again. Noodle got up as well, then Russ. "I'm hungryy" Noodle complained. She's 15 but sometimes she still acts like a child. It puts a smile on my face a bit. "I'll order room service" Russell said, getting up.
Russell looked at the room service information. This definitely doesn't mean things are normal yet though. I still need to talk to 2D.

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