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Ace POV:

Ok so there's a big time gap ya missed because we'll, I dunno. Maybe you're stupid. Anyway, we wrote that album I mentioned, 2D hates me, and Snake is better from his surgery. Murdoc is still in jail but I think he'll be out soon which will suck for me because I have no problem stealin' his spotlight and glory. I LOVE the fan attention! And the fans love me! When I ain't doin' stuff for Gorillaz, me and the Gangreen gang head into town and cause some friendly neighborhood chaos, like we used to do. I learned what trans meant and apparently Snake was an "FTM", I let him know I ain't got a problem with it. Hell, I didn't even know he was a girl before. I'm just glad he can finally be happy with himself. We just put the album out and it's already doin' great! It's number 5 on the charts! Everything's been great.. maybe we can find a way to keep Muds in jail, heheheh. Ya know, Stuart should really be thankin' me! He needs to get off his high horse and just enjoy the glory and spotlight with us. I mean this album was my idea, and it's great! Why does he care so much if it's from his stupid diary? I mean I have it back, it's not like I flushed it down a toilet or anything. Noodle said she'd only forgive me if I promised to never do this again and leave Stuart alone. Fine by me, I can't believe I had a crush on someone so arrogant. Well Ace don't need no partners or anything! Like a great man once said,

Love is for suckers!

I ain't no sucker. I'm great at flyin' solo! Anyway I think 2D's out skating again- he's really into that, like INSANELY. Oh yeah, and the 2018 brit somethin' somethin' I think awards are comin' up soon! Hah! Murdoc ain't even gonna be able to be there for that either, oh man, part of me wants to just go laugh again him Infront of his cell. That reminds me, the others have visited him a few times this year, I always wait in the car though because it's not like I wanna see my lame cousin, I mean hell Hannibal is probably in there too. Last I heard from him he was caught stealin' hubcaps or somethin'. Muds doesn't even really talk to Hannibal much anymore. Maybe they're even catchin' up. How lovely. Disgusting. I hate the thought of them actually enjoying their lives, especially when they're supposed to be in jail and me miserable. I wonder if Hannibal is out of jail yet, I heard he had kids and it would suck if he weren't able to see 'em. Eh, not my business.
Anyways I was walkin' down the street with my gang while 2D skates past me. He's so fast he could prolly kill me if he were any big closer! I grumbled and kick a piece of trash towards his previous path. I hope he comes back around and trips on it. I see some dudes playin' basketball in the distance so I tell the gang to hang back and watch me. I lean against the hoop and catch their ball. They thought I was gonna join you but I stabbed the ball and it went flyin' off!! The men yelled and cursed but it was funny as hell. Me and my boys left and went back to walkin' around the city. Me and the boys did all kinds of fun stuff! Puttin' cats in trees, pushin' old folks into traffic, we were just about to do another one when I looked at the "Save us from Him" posters that were just about everywhere. I guess I was just ignoring them before but thinking about it made me nervous. Is Him somewhere around this joint? Him and my pals don't really get along.. he hates pranks and we do pranks so uhh.. plus he totally beat the crap out of us along with some other friends after he found out about our prank calls back in the day. I may have been like 16 then but I still can feel the pain of that high kick he did on me every time I think about it. It was almost worse than the time Buttercup stole my teeth. "Bosss, what's the matterss?" Snake asked. I guess I been starin' off at the wall for a long time. "It's nothin' Snake. I think we should stop for a minute though, I actually do have an errand to run" I muttered. "Are ya sure nothin''s wrong? You can always talk to usss" Snake tried to reassure me. He was always so caring and sweet. "Yeah, we're friends , remember?" Arturo reminds me. I nodded silently. "C'mon, let's hit the post office. I gotta send something' to a dude I know" I stated vaguely. I ain't gonna go out of my way to say Murdoc is my friend, because that's just sad. Who actually LIKES their cousins? I'm Just gonna send him a note askin' if he's alive and give him a bar of soap. Anyway we eventually finished our mission at the post office and when I stepped outside Stuart skated over to me. "Hey, Noodle and the rest of us were goin to go see Murdoc, Noodle was wonderin if you're coming" he asked. Tch. I don't have to *see* him to show him I care. Infact I don't even have to show him I care, because I'm Ace and Ace needs nobody! "I ain't goin', and neither are they" I crossed my arms. He rolled his nonexistent eyes. "Well I wasn't inviting them anyways. Bye Ace" He skated off. At least I got to watch Russel trip him. Serves Stuart right for his attitude problem. What's his deal? It's like me and Noodle are the only cool band members anymore. "Bossss, we gonna be done for the day orrr?" Snake was about to ask but I cut him off. "Yeah. Go home for the day" I sighed. They l left and I thought I was alone for a moment until I felt comforting arms wrap around me. Snake staid. "Thanks for sssupporting me with some of the ssstuff I had goin' ons, Ace" he smiled. I felt my face heatin' up like I was gonna explode or somethin'. "No problem Snake" I stuttered out. He soon let go and went off with the others. Ace needs nobody!.. right?


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