Saturnz Barz/Spirit House

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Murdoc POV:

Uhg, I hate making videos. 2D always says "could be worse", but he can go fuck himself. Anyway I've been really busy with the new Album, and committing.. I mean "forgetting" to pay taxes and the house bills and such. The Gorillaz shouldn't have to pay "rent checks"! London should be kinder to us, I mean consider what we've given them, I work my ass off for the albums. Anyway yeah I should tell the band quickly that I don't have £2,039 (well its not that I don't have it necessarily, I just dont want to waste that much). Russel is probably going to punch me for this. I headed downstairs and waited for the others to get down, Russel was making breakfast so they'll be around shortly. Russel was confused why I was pacing one corner of the kitchen but he knew I wouldn't tell him why. Noodle got up (she wakes up first most of the time) and headed to the kitchen, now just waiting for 2D. "Good morning Murdoc!" She smiles. She's always cheerful in the morning, then sort of calms down later on. Soon 2D joins as well. Russel is almost done with breakfast. Uhg, now I have to tell them. This stuff is always so awkward. I finally stop pacing and look at them. 2D is the only one half looking at me. "We have to move" I started off. They now have their attention to me, confused. "Wot? Why?" 2D ask. Think of an excuse.. "because I found somewhere bettah!" It's probably not *really* better, the house I was looking at last night was litterally titled Spirit House. So it's probably not that great, but I mean- I've fought one of Satan's henchmen head on so, how bad could it *really* be? "You just don wonna pay the rent check" 2D mumbled sassily. "Shut up" I hate how 2D thinks he knows everything. Russel just agreed with it. Or maybe he rolled his eyes, I can't tell, he has no pupils because of Del. Noodle glared at me "it better be a good house" I smiled to reassure her "it'll be fine" I told them. "How long until the landlord kicks us out?" Russel finally spoke. "Uhhh.. should we start packing now?" I suggested. The others were kind of annoyed but agreed to do it after breakfast.


Everyone was done packing so we got in the car and headed off to the address of the new place. It started storming, so bad you'd probably think it was nighttime. It was actually kind of a long drive. The weather was clearer once we got there. The house was kind of.. awful, but I'm not goin to be the one to admit it. Once we parked I walked up and I rang the doorbell to see if maybe there would've been a landlord or something I could speak to since it was such short notice. The doorbell chimed and then turned to a loud crash. The door slowly swung open. "Loudest doorbell I've ever heard" apparently it had started raining again. We headed inside. It wouldn't kill them to vacuum. "Feels welcoming" Russel finally said. "Maybe too welcoming, eh?" I replied. "Maybe we could fix it" 2D suggested. "Let's split up for now" Russel suggest. "Great idea, always works out in horror movies, nyheheh" I cackled. 2D took the kitchen, Noodle the basement, and Russel and I upstairs. Russel went into a room and I walked down the hall. I saw a bath filled with mysterious liquid, perfect! I needed a bath anyway. I yelled for the guys so they'd know where I was and what I was doing, then I got undressed and into the water. I think I should've known something was off by the water color but it was like I was sinking, falling into a void.

No one POV:

2D found a cake in the fridge he was planning to eat when some spirit threw him back into the floor, the cake flying and smashing as well. It was ruined. Noodle put on a record, she got harassed by spirits as well. Murdoc was basically going on a drug trip, and Russel just wanted to take a nap but one of the other spirits started beating the fuck out of him too. Although is this really so odd? I mean the Boogeyman was literally their roommate in 2012. No matter what demons the band members faces they could at least all agree it sucked. The fridge demon tried to abduct 2D, Murdoc got sent fucking naked through space (on a drug trip probably because of that NASTY ASS BATH WATER), and the others were just in plain misery. Long story short, the band didn't want to stay there long. The next morning the band decided to go out into town for breakfast, and that was the last of what was seen of the Spirit House..
(Maybe, idk, depend on home much the author connects this book to the lore - 4th wall break, we know).

Back with the band

The band was getting some pancakes at a restaurant. They were all quiet at first until they eventually had to talk about their paranormal experiences.
"Murdoc, we aren't going back there at all, are we?" Noodle asked nervously. Murdoc avoided eye contact by starting out the window and into the suburban area outside "uhh, well.." Murdoc thought about it for a while. Russel spoke up "No Way in hell I wanna go back there, I could barely even sleep in that house". "I agree, the fridge tried to kill me, I mean there's no way somefing awful didnt happen to you Murdoc- wot was your experience?" 2D asked. "Uh well, I did almost drown, I think-" Murdoc didn't feel like actually taking about it really. "More importantly, why did you make us stay there of all places?!" Noodle grumbled. "I didn't know it would turn out like that, okay!" He tried to find excuses but no one baught them. "At least it's over.." 2D sighed in relief. "What about the album?" Russel mentioned. The others hadn't really started it yet, I mean 2D's got a notebook full of lyrics but nothing approved by Murdoc yet. "Oh shit you're right, we have to at least stay until the album can be out tickets out of there, 'cus you know, our paychecks" Murdoc suggested. No one was happy about it. "Look, I just got out of jail, we have to do this album or else they'll be on my ass!" Murdoc yelled. "They?" 2D asked. When Murdoc's angry you shouldn't ask questions, he's a fuck around and find out kind of guy. Murdoc gave 2D a look that signaled he'd be in trouble later. For 2D ,that means losing the privilege to walk for a day or so. He knew that meant to shut up and decided to just listen to Murdoc. The others were annoyed but decided to do it for the money, that way they could get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.

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