Together again

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No one POV

TW: ⚠️Cetaphobia, edibles mention, kidnapping ⚠️

A knock was heard on the door, followed by the doorbell. Murdoc and Russel got up to check it out and saw a FedEx crate. They both smiled, knowing exactly what was up. They opened it and Noodle hugged the both of them. Now all that's left to do is to get Stuart (2D). Noodle ran straight into the house since it was rainy.  The others followed her. "Where's Stuart?" She asked. Then the room went quiet. "We're still lookin' for him" Russel stated finally. "Oh.." she said sadly. "B-but don't worry! I think I know where to find him" Murdoc replied, trying to calm her. He only had an educated guess in reality but it was enough to calm Noodle down, which is what they needed. "We'll set out for 2D first thing in the morning" Murdoc added. Noodle seemed okay with that, she didn't like it but she didn't argue (she never argued).

2D meanwhile, had been unknowingly consuming edibles at some Mexican/Creoles parties and overall having the time of his life now that he had been freed from the whale who trapped him previously. He started a small business where he would make friendship bracelets and sell them but as of today, got fired from it. Probably some corporate bullshit going on that lead to it, who knows.

"So how did you get out of jail, Murdoc?.." Noodle asked nervously. She has just come back from Japan after having almost no contact with her fellow bandmates, the only way she found out about Murdoc getting out of jail is through an Internet post made by Russel where he complained about how much of a horrible mess Murdoc lived in and didn't clean. She had no idea what happened to Russel either though in the time she was away. "Well, I was in a secret prison on London for a bit until Entertainment Internal Affairs came for me. They were struggling with music n' all that, and I agreed I'd help if they got me out. So in exchange for my release I promised to write a new album" he told them. Russel nodded (Russel doesn't say much). Russel looked like something was up with him though, like he was different in a way that couldn't be explained without directly asking. Noodle could tell. "What happened to you?" She asked him. He thought for a moment, then sighed. "Del's gone. The grim reaper finally came for his soul, and while I was alone from all you guys I decided to stay in the hotel room for a bit. Remember how the pollution effected me while we were workin' on Plastic Beach? Well that eventually caused me a problem or two and I sorta ended up in North Korea. The North Koreans thought I was some kind of monster, or god, I was basically an attraction to them. The food was so horrible though that it sent me back to normal, and the leader was so upset and confused that he rold everyone he had defeated me or somethin', then sent me back to England. I ended up crashing on one of the collaborators' futon for a bit, until he got a call from Murdoc. Then I asked the guy if he knew where Murdoc was and came straight here" Russel explained. How is this man okay? He litterally got kidnapped and he's just complaining about his smelly roommate on the Internet.  I mean I'm glad he's okay but he just spoke about being kidnapped so calmly. Noodle was just glad to be back with her friends/family. Tomorrow, they'll all be back together again. "Are you hungry at all, Noodle?" Murdoc asked. Murdoc was always like an uncle or something to her (he's too irrispinsible to be a father figure, dispite the nickname "Murdad" Noodle used to use on him when she was 10 or so).  Noodle nodded, she had only eaten dries fish for the past couple weeks and some water she took with her. Murdoc warmed up some spaghetti for her, and then brought it to her. She ate up, then went and washed the dish. She was never asked to do that but she always did it. The others never really questioned it. Noodle was the most well mannered of the band. Maybe it had something to do with being a woman or something, who knows. She always stood out a little bit though for her interesting qualities. Behind closed doors Murdoc even says she's the most important member of the band (and a thousand times better than Paula Cracker, but that's a whole other thing). Now that Noodle's eaten she went off to explore the house. It was small, 2 stories with only 2 bedrooms - a master (which is usually Murdoc's room because he ALWAYS has the bigger bed like the manwhore he is sometimes) and the other bedroom had a twin sized mattress. Where the hell are they gonna fit 2D? Well the upstairs also has a small walk in closet, and Russel already claimed the couch. He's the first come first serve  kind of guy, he's not one to openly complain most of the time (unless it has something to do with Murdoc). Noodle chose the twin bed because she knows how murdoc is, and got some blankets. She made the bed and then went to sleep. Eventually Murdoc went to his own room, doing the same, and Russel is the kind of guy who can fall asleep at any given moment or on command, so no issues there. In the morning Russel made pancakes and made sure any burnt ones went to Murdoc (he does not forgive murdoc for the Paula Cracker incident, plus Murdoc is just an easily dislikable person in his opinion). When Noodle got up Russel was almost done so she headed to the kitchen and got a plate. She happily waited for him to serve her. He gave her all the good ones and syrup. She nearly drowned the pancakes in syrup, then began eating. When Murdoc got up to a small pile of burnt pancakes he was annoyed but because he was hungry he dealt with it. When the finished they got in the car (Stylo - which appeared okay but cyborg Noodle was MIA - probably for the best) then headed out to find 2D.

It was a long LONG drive but once they finally pinpointed where he was they stopped on the side of the road. Murdoc came out and looked around. He saw 2D leaving a party in the distance, he seemed to be heading there way. Murdoc held up a sign that said "Wanker" as he waited for 2D to come to him. He didn't wanna admit it but his whole time on prison, and out, he deathly missed 2D (totally ignoring the fact 2D almost killed him but whatever 😒 Murdoc can't make up his fucking mind about how he feels for this man). 2D started to read the sign, once he saw it was Murdoc he ran up to him. Murdoc set the sign down and saw 2D was coming in for a hug so he opened his arms. He just missed being around 2D, he still couldn't quite figure out how he felt about the whole Lost Chord situation. After the hug 2D got in the car and they went home. They're finally all back together, it's just almost perfect...

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