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TW: ⚠️abuse mention⚠️

Time skip to August/September (also happy Halloween, ik I'm late but)

{Murdoc POV:}

We've been living in Mumbai for a bit now, under fake names and under the radar and it's been GREAT. I don't think 2D and I have ever gotten a long better. He's my comfort and I am his. I've never been happier. Indie is beautiful, and every new adventure with 2D means the world. I think we're officially settled on being partners now! I don't plan to tell the fans though, I don't think it'll end well for us. But maybe I'll leave some subtle hints, who knows.
It feels like every day I fall more in love with him. He's completely stolen my heart. I'm so glad he's finally getting better since everything that's happened. It's nice to finally have some time to ourselves instead of being attacked by monsters or something.
Writting music has really helped him cope with everything. I suppose making money off the whole event isn't such a bad idea. Might piss 2D off a little, but he'll be fine.

{2D POV}:

Murdoc has been really sweet to me since everything that happened. I actually really enjoy it, but it's terrifying. I'm scared that this will all evens up just to be some elaborate trik to abuse me..

He really wants to change, I know but I'm scared that he won't. There has to be somefing he's hoping to get out of this.. maybe he's just using me for sexual pleasure or somefing. There's no way he actually cares, right? I mean I've trusted him so many times in similar situations.. we always end up arguing when somefing is goin good for me. I fink he gets jealous when I'm happy, which is really selfish of him honestly. I don't understand him. I know we're dating now so I have to try but it's still hard not to be completely terrified that one day hell just say it was a huge prank and leave me in tears. I keep waiting for Mudz to prove to me that this is too good to be true. He won't fool me.
I'm not a child. Once I catch him I'll make sure he knows to treat me fairly. I don't want to be laughed at anymore.

Small things are becoming noticable to me about Mudz. I fink he's really going all out on this thing we have going, he's been smoking and drinking a lot less. He usually drinks 10 bottles or more by the end of the day, especially if we have a concert— but lately it's been more like two or three. He still carries around his pack of cigarettes as well but it's not as empty as I usually see it. I guess he really wants me convinced.
It's almost 11pm, I should go to bed.


The following morning, I finally noticed somefing helpful. Mudz woke up early and left the house. He was gone way late into the afternoon. Is he just going to up and leave me or is he planning somefing even more strange than his recent behavior? I talked to Noodle and Russel but they don't know what he's doing either. Noodle says he's probably going to steal purses from women or somefing, and Russ said he didn't care. I laid around the house all day.
I paced the livingroom 3 times, counted the panels in the ceiling, and played a lot of Duck Life Treasure Hunt on my computer while I waitud.
The sun gleamed through the window and clearish curtains, sparkling across room. A cool breeze flew in from the window every now and then. I'm glad our windows have screens though, or else I'd have to kill bugs or somefing. I hate bugs (especially centipedes).
I was about ready to give up. Maybe another day I'll catch him. I dragged myself sluggishly with my computer to my room. I closed the computer and threw myself into bed. Maybe I'll just take a nap.

I was about to fall asleep when Mudz came in my room. He was acting strange. He kept his hands behind his back until he reached my bed and started stammering (I've never seen him so that before). "Uh, well, 2D- Stuart. I love you and uh. I sort of got you something to show that" He handed me a small bouquet of roses. My heart melted. Maybe he really does care. Maybe I really was being a fool the entire time. Tears started to stream down my face. Muds stood there anxiously. "Did I do something wrong?" He questioned. I grabbed his shirt collar and pulled him into a hug. I love him so much. I've been so rude to him, haven't i.
I've been avoiding his love.
I cried until his chest. "I love you!" I sobbed. I feel like an idiot.
"I don't understand! Did I upset you? Are these happy tears?" He kept questioning. I accepted the roses. "I love you.." I repeated. He started to laugh and finally hugged me back.
"You're so cute, 2D" he smiled softly. My face flushed red a bit as if I had been standing in the winter cold. "Sod off, you old goth" I grumbled, causing him to laugh more. He used to hate when I called him that, he used to argue and hurt me. Maybe he really has changed. Maybe I need to accept this. Yeah, I should.
He lays down beside me. "Are you feeling okay now, love?" He ask. I nod, still blushing. I nervously shuffled over and laid on his chest. He didn't even say anything, he just let me. We cuddled for a while.
Murdoc began to yawn. "Tired?" I smile a bit. "A little. I'm er.. sorry" he said nervously. "Wot? Why are you sorry?" I questioned.
"I'm just not used to all this love stuff, I mean I've been in love before— but not like this. I'm worried I'm not doing this right"

It was quiet for a moment.

"I don't think we've ever had this 'right' Mudz...
But don't apologize. I like this"

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