The fall

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Noodle POV:

As I headed to my room Charles (the staff member) kept yelling about the pirates. I grabbed my gun and headed to the deck. I gunned down one of the planes but the other dropped a bomb before I could destroy it. I was able to swim to a lifeboat but now I'm stranded again. Russell is still missing, but I know he's somewhere out there. I guess Murdoc and Stuart took a lifeboat or something. I just laid down in the lifeboat and decided to sleep since it's not like I had any other options.

Murdoc POV (yes I know Noodle's was short but I didn't know what else really to say):

I decided the best way to find him is to head back to the Beach. We pass some jellyfish and whatever, then I looked out the parascope to find him. Got ya, heheheh. I told Cyborg Noodle to help us get to the top and she did. She listens to me. The other subs rise as well (hah, sub). I look through the telescope and see him: the Boogeyman, who's after my soul (don't plan on givin that up just yet, ahah). I alert Cyborg Noodle and she starts to shoot at him. He grabs this manatee carcus and disappears into the water. So much for killin' him. I'll get him. The fog lifts and we can finally return home, only now we have Cyborg Noodle to defend us. We take Stylo up to the shore, and as soon as we step out we were finally expecting to relax. Spent the whole rest of the day doin nothing, just happy to be back. Everything was normal for a day or so, then we found him again. He was waiting on the rooftop. Me and cyborg Noodle headed up to deal with him. I let her open fire, but he got away by diving into the water to save himself. Fucking coward. He jumped on a distant ship, and we waited for him to do something. He summoned what I can only assume to be the four horseman. At this point it really is life or death, not just for me, but for everyone! They created lots of wind though which gave me some time and an idea. I'd trick him. I tricked him into thinking I was goin to help him. He fell for it to, until he saw my face (which was planned). This will by Cyborg Noodle time to get some help from the other submarines to help me kill this thing! The Horseman has disappeared, so I went back to my side. He started creating pirates to attack. The planes came back and started shooting everythin so I went back in the building for my own life. Where is 2D in all this?! I bet he's just resting in his room some how. Cyborg Noodle was dealing with the planes when a whale flew at one of them and destroyed it. The bloody hell?! I guess anything's possible. Finally, the Black Clouds is no more and we find Russ at the edge of the island. He gave Noodle back to us and she throws her cat mask into the sand. I would say the band is finally able to continue on but with Russ's situation I have no idea what to do from here. Everyone was so exhausted we all just sort of sat on the Beach, hoping to relax, and 2D threw up. Just as we though things would go back to normal this fuckin pink ghost started swirling around the air. Russell turned back to normal size, and Cyborg Noodle was acting weird. Not a problem, I made the girl, I can fix her. I walked up to her and attempted to reach her off switch when she grabbed me by the throat and threw me across the Beach. 2D backed away, scared as ever, and Noodle went farrell on the cyborg. After some fighting she got Cyborg Noodle turned off for good. I mixture of emotions is on its way to the surface, as I try to hold it all back. Because that's what I always do. Noodle shoved the cyborg away inside Stylo just so she wouldn't have to look at it anymore. Seeing my invention destroyed like that stirred up some things in me I didn't know I had. I shed a tear. Before anyone can say anything a sea monster erupts from the water. Are you fucking kidding me?! We just fought something not that long ago!! Bloody hell, when do we get a break?! At first we wonder if it's harmless but then it has FUCKING LASER EYES so now we're trapped on the part of the island with the lighthouse, drifting to sea. Stylo sunk into the water with Cyborg Noodle still inside.. she was like a daughter to me, I LITTERALLY made her.. well I guess she did try to kill me though. The monster starts destroying Plastic Beach, and all we can do is sit and watch.. me, Noodle, and Russ climbed to the top of the lighthouse for safety while 2D stood around the like lovable, brainless idiot he is. Molten plastic is raining down around us. 2D finally joins us on top the lighthouse. I helped pull noodle and the others on top of the roof, we're sinking pretty fast now. The monster descended away into the water. So what did if have against us?! Sure Plastic Beach was an island litterally made of pollution, but there was still our home there.. and it's not our fault people don't care about the water or planet or whatever. Most of the lighthouse is in the water now, if we stay here we're going to die but there's no where else, no land for miles.. 2D looks like he's about to have another panic attack while Russ and Noodle are trying to actually figure somethin out. Suddenly this fucking vortex opens and Russ and Noodle decided to jump inside. "Our fuckin home.. damnit! This is all YOUR fault Murdoc!" 2D shoved me back a bit. The hell is this coming from?! I had nothing to do with the sea monster! "2D calm down, we're about to die and you wanna waste your time yelling at me?" I asked him rhetorically. I almost slapped me across the face, so now I knew he really was upset.. he almost never fights back when I do that sort of thing to him. "IF IT WEREN'T FOR YOU WE WOULDN'T HAVE HSD TO LEAVE IN THE FIRST PLACE, YOU BURNED DOWN KONG, BAUGHT THIS SHITTY ISLAND TO MAKE UP FOR IT, THEN GOT US ATTACKED LOIK THREE TIMES!" He yelled. "2D the portal is goin to close!" I yelled back. He looked like he wanted to say something witty but then actually looked at it. He jumped through. "Wait, what about me?!" The portal closed. Oh fuck now I'm gonna be the one who drowns out here, all alone.. I made my band hate me so there's no way any of them are coming back for me.. I sat down and watches as the roof slowly started to become immersed in water. I gave up. There's nothing I can do, no one out there, and now I'm goin to die.. and 2D doesn't even know I love him. I'm such a screw up sometimes it's funny.. the water is up to my waist now. There's so many things I wish I could've said to Stuart before all this. I guess if he really had the guts to abandon me though he'll find someone better. I'd pray to Satan to get me out of this but last time we talked, well the whole Boogeyman/horsemen of the apocalypse thing happened. I guess this is it. I'm now taking my last breath.. goodbye 2D..

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