Silent Running/Cracker island

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TW: ⚠️Drug and alcohol mentions, litteral cult sacrifice attempt⚠️

{2D POV}:

It was mere moments before the great sacrifice. I drank the smoothie Moon Flower made for me and became filled with hope and joy. I'm doing something good!

Everything is going to be okay.


i fink I passed out.. they're trying me up on a wheel. Where's Murdoc? How long have I been here? Even Moonflower is in on this.. I trusted her. Why did I trust her? Oh no, Noodle was right, she's always right, and I never listened! Now I'm going to die.. alone.. and they aren't gonna find me because I don't even know where I am. I can't reach my pockets, I don't know where my phone is.i don't think the cult is going to reply to me even if I had somefing to say to them. And now it's begun.. I'm being lowered away to my doom.. the creature in this cavern is hideous.. it looks familiar though, like I've seen it in an old movie or something, maybe a poster even. Doesn't matter now. I'm going to die to this thing. How could Moonflower just be okay with this? My vision clouds with tears as I stare back at Moonflower for just a moment. I don't know if it will change anything though.
I still feel so weary. That smoothie was so good.. it made my limbs and brain feel like Jell-O, heheh.
Finally, I feel a slight tug on the ropes around my limbs. Maybe she did change her mind?..

The creature reaches for me, had if been too late I'd be dead. I don't know what's happening up top anymore but I just saw one of the cult members fly past me. I think I'm falling again.. Murdoc I'm so sorry I never listen.. I promise I'll listen when I see you again, if I make it out.. more tears fall from what I assume is my eyes, I can't really feel my face. I feel dizzy.

I'm moving so slowly..

And I'm falling even faster now, shit.. I fell like shit, why can't i.. I can't fight this.. what's wrong with my brain and my body? I know there's something wrong but I can't stop it. What is this feeling? I feel like I'm drunk but, I didn't have any.. oh fuck. I think I'm in drugs. How funny. I was probably less than 2 meters from the monster now when it swallowed some shitty green liquid. It got sick like instantly and exploded. The blast hurt like hell but it freed me. I just want to go to sleep in Murdoc's chest.. I don't wanna be here anymore, I wanna feel safe..

I never should've left Mudz..

I think.. I hear loud noises..

The police.. I fink.. Murdoc.. where's Murdoc?..

{big time skip}★

I.. I was falling asleep in the police car on the way to the hospital.
We had to explain the thing to the cops, it was hard though because I kept hallucinating and I don feel to well.

What if they don't believe me?

My thoughts are scattered .

Something started wiggling in the patient sheets and then.. came alive.. I fink.

Everyfing looks so colorful.. but also the exact same. It smells like oil in here.. it's getting stronger.

I don't feel like me anymore.. it's like I'm.. I'm not in my mind. I fink I'm seeing ghost too. I'm scared, I just want Murdoc..

I finally see him. Murdoc!! I just want to hug him, but.. I fink he's here for the.. ghost?? No, it's.. it's a lady. And she's rapidly aging, what the fuck.

And they kissed. Ew ,what the hell Murdoc?..

The TV static, it's making me go insane.. the signal is awful. But I fink.. I fink Moonflower is gone now.. it's like she's faded away.. I think.. I think I need a nap..


Sorry for short chapter!! Since it's in 2D's POV I tried to make it look shitty on purpose (because he's drugged out of his mind) and since there isn't that many animated videos for the cracker island album I didn't know where really to go from there, I promise I will fill in the next few chapters with some more wholesome and relaxed shit since it's just been a mix of Gorillaz lore and angst for the most part, the happy ending is caving in soon </3 I think this might have been my favorite and hardest fic to write lmfao. Also did not edit bc I hate editing (maybe I'll edit my stories one day, who knows).


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