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I woke up and checked off the calendar. Today's my birfday! I really wish Murdoc was here.. he's still in jail. Anyway I got up to get dressed when Ace barged into my room. I'm lucky I still had my boxers on. God, I hate Ace, he doesn't even knock like the rest of us do. He's everything Murdoc is but so much worse. "Oi 2D, happy b- OH- my bad. Nice body though~" he smirked then left a small red velvet cake on my desk with white buttercream frosting and red sprinkles. In blue icing it says how old I am and such. I sigh and get dressed the rest of the way now that he left my room. He probably poisoned that cake to be honest. I sigh and finished getting dressed now that he's out of my room. He doesn't knock like the rest of us. He's really annoying, he's a hundred times worse than Murdoc was! I wonder if I'll get to call Murdoc today.. god I'm getting so sick of Ace, he has the most annoyin voice evah. I'm not usually a violent person but he makes me want to be after the things he's tried to do. Oh roit, I did say we should talk. I fink I'll get to that aftah the party, I'm sure the others have somefing planned for me. I walked out of my room and Noodle and Russel were in the kitchen. Somefing smelled really good. I headed over to see wot it was. Noodle was making me a cake, she had just finished it, it looked real fancy too! And Russel was working on my presents. I felt so happy my eyes filled up with tears. "Happy birthday, Stu" Noodle tells me as she got up and hugged me. Now I'm a sobbing wreck. This is all so nice, I love that I can have moments like these with my bandmates. Noodle, and Russel are some really nice an talented people. Everyfing feels perfect. Noodle wiped away my tears. "C'mon D, don't choke up yet, you didn't even open your gifts" Russel tells me. I smile and headed over to him and he passed me one gift at a time. Noodle got me Stitch plushie from the Disney movie, she also made me a flower crown but that wasn't in the gifts she just put it on my head. Russel got me some art supplies and a new drawing pad, which I appreciate because I do like to draw on the occasion. Ace got me coloring book and a box of crayons, it wasn't a very creative gift but I appreciate the crayons! However why did he get me a My Little Pony coloring book? Eh, I might as well get into the show, I do know some people find interest I'm it, not just children.  There were about two more gifts. The next one I got was heavy and it was an easy•bake oven from Noodle, she said she would teach me how to use it since Murdoc doesn't let me cook or touch the stove. Infact, Murdoc doesn't even let me look at the kitchen sometimes. The next gift Russel said was just left on our doorstep this morning by the postman. When I opened it, it was one of Murdoc's shirts. When I picked it up I knew it was from him, it was his black long sleeve that he always wore with his upsidedown cross necklace. The shirt still smelled like him, kind of gross but comforting and mostly covered up by the sent of cigarettes. I set the shirt on my lap and started to tear up. Noodle hugged me "I miss him too.." She mumbled. Ace was just coming out of Murdoc's room during all this. He just stood in the hallway and stared at me sob. He looked like he wanted to do something, but at the same time I'm kind of glad he didn't. After a little while Noodle calmed me down. Ace staid for cake, then left to Murdoc's room again. I fink.. he's actually trying to listen to me from when I told him to leave me alone this morning. We had cake after I blew out my candles and it was pleasant even if Ace was there. Maybe he isn't that bad- but I still want him as far away from me as possible. Anyway I fink things are startin to feel more normal again, an atleast I have somefing to remember Murdoc by.. I wonder how long he'll be in jail. He's so far away too.. maybe I should find some healthy way to deal wif my feelins. Maybe I could write a few songs about it. Yeh, that's what I'll do. For now I should probably try to enjoy my birthday party, since Noodle worked so hard on it. There's a lot of decorations and dirty dishes from her making the cake. There's also confetti on the countertops. Ace ended up stepping out to take a phone call from one of his friends, but he said to leave the dishes so he could do him. It only really bothered Russ since he's used to doin them but he didn't fight it. Russel wished me happy birthday, then went to his room. Noodle put the rest of the cake in the fridge. Am I goin to be alone now?..
She came over to me and smiled. "Stu, we should watch a movie together" she suggested. Aww <3. "Of course I'll watch a movie wif you" I smile. She brought me to her room where there was now a flat screen, I didn't notice that before. It was right across from her bed, convenient. "When did you get this?" I asked. "Ace got it for me" she replies. "Oh, I didn't know you two were friends", she shrugs"we've been friends since Demon Days" she smiled. Isn't it kind of weird for him to have been friends with a little kid? Then again I have no room to speak, Noodle litterally lives with 4 men who aren't even family so I guess it couldn't be that weird. We love her anyway. I spent the rest of my birthday watching Coco with Noodle on Disney+ and it was quite lovely actually, i fink i fell asleep though. I'm sure she isn't upset or anyfing though :)


I had to show Ace's cake lol ,here. Imagine this but smaller and only the top is frosted and the sprinkles look like someone just vomited red glitter on the cake

 Imagine this but smaller and only the top is frosted and the sprinkles look like someone just vomited red glitter on the cake

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