summaries, sunsets, & honeymoons

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{??? POV}

2D and Murdoc's wedding was left to the band members and Murdoc's brother (and Hannibal's family) only pretty much. Noodle's girlfriends also came (she has two). Noodle felt bad that they had to come all the way out of the US  for it but promised to make it up to them.
Russel was actually surprised Murdoc was able to decide one someone to marry once and for all, considering how much of a man whore he usually is. Noodle was the flower girl and Hannibal was the best man since 2D and Murdoc both couldn't decide anyone else and didn't want their parents to be there.
The whole wedding was unbelievable, it was beautiful. Murdoc isn't easy when it comes to commitment. He was anxious the whole time but when it came time to kiss him he finally relaxed. Murdoc's niece and nephew celebrated with them as well. The got front row seats. Spencer was the most happy for them, Spencer really likes Murdoc and looks up to him. His sister though, well she's more on the obsessive side when it comes to Gorillaz. Spencer has the phase one bobblehead of 2D as well. They were thrilled to be there.
After most of the ceremony stuff was over Murdoc went to the bar and 2D followed him. "I actually do wish Theodosia was here" Murdoc mumbled. "..who?" 2D asked.
"I, uhm.. nevermind.." I got himself a shot of Scotch. "Oh. Your mother, right?" 2D asked again. Murdoc nodded anxiously. 2D frowned and hugged him. "I'm so sorry.. I'm sure she'd be happy for you.." Stuart tried to comfort. "Well, she did leave me I suppose" Murdoc took a drink.
"I'm sorry" Stuart hugged him. "I love you" Murdoc lightened up. "I'll never leave your side again" 2D stated, referring back to The Lost Chord/Plastic Beach. "I know. I forgave you already, besides. I've fucked up with you too" he laughed a bit, then sighed. "I know. Maybe now that we're together officially we don't have to fuck up like that anymore" Stuart smiled.

"Well there's gotta be a little fucking" Murdoc joked. "Muds, gross!" 2D laughed and put a hand over Murdoc's mouth. Murdoc just licked his hand. "Ewww!" 2D wiped it on Murdoc. "Get used to it, love" he cackled.

They watched the sunset.

"Will you start calling me stay again? Or am I still a face ache.." he nervously dug his nails into his arm. Murdoc though for a moment. "I'll try"
"Fineee. But I'm still calling you 2D on stage and in rehearsals, okay?" Murdoc argued. "Fine" Stuart agreed.
They were silent for a bit. "What now?" Stuart asked. "I'm actually not sure" Murdoc scratched the back of his neck. "Are we going on a honeymoon at all? Or are we just going to keep doin wot we're doin in the band" Stu ask. "I'll take you somewhere nice, don't you worry" Murdoc smiled.
"Any ideas? I know we have time but, you know.." Stuart trailed off.
"Ah, well I've had my eye on a small space for us. There's a really nice place in the Bahamas with crystal clear water, beaches with the purest white sand, great food. It's practically paradise, and well. I think you and I deserve a little paradise" Murdoc blushed a bit. He continued "We could get a nice suite, there will be hot tubs, all the luxury stuff, and thats just the hotel. Great room service from what I hear as well" he smiled. Stuart was in awe. He hugged Murdoc and kissed him. "That's going to be wonderful" he smiles.
"I can't wait to spend more time with you, alone" Murdoc adds.
Hannibal comes over. "Need any help putting stuff away?" He ask politely. Murdoc looks around. "Uh yeah, just take whatever leftovers you want and maybe put the chairs away" he smiles. "Alright, congrats by the way" Hannibal adds before going to help clean up.
Murdoc and Stuart both smile. Noodle cones up to them. "Does this mean the band is breaking up?" She seems nervous. Murdoc comforts her "no, of course not! If anything the band will be even better! Although while me and Stuart are away, you're free to kind of do whatever, consider it a vacation for us all. Tell Russ too if you can, actually, look after him since his brain is kind of fuzzy" Murdoc looks down a bit. Russel is doing a bit better now but recovering is gonna be a process. I mean he is kind of mentally ill after it all.
The cool November weather rushes cold air against Murdoc and Stuart's faces. They're excited for their next upcoming adventure. The November air smells melancholy and the leaves are all almost gone as everything is preparing for winter. Murdoc and 2D head home to prepare for their change, their winter.
They start to pack up some clothes and some other personal things. As Murdoc's packing he glanced at the empty bird cage in his closet. He starts shaking, remembering what happened to Cortez. Stuart comes in since he finished packing early. He noticed Murdoc on the verge of tears. "Hey, Mudz.. it's okay" he noticed the cage and hugged him.
"But what if I do destroy everything I love? What if I do that to you.." he hugged Stuart back. "You're not gonna, Mudz, you're not gonna" he tried to comfort him. Murdoc finally decided he'd let Stuart see this side of him. He broke down. "Shhh.." 2D held him in his chest. "I love you.." Murdoc started to smile. Stuart was a bit confused by the sudden change of emotion. "I'm just so glad I have you.. and that I can finally.. be honest about my feelings around you. Around someone at all" Murdoc rubs his eyes. "Yeah," Stuart smiles, "you really have improved for me. I love you for that. I love you more than you know" Stuart began to rub his own teary eyes as well.
Stuart helped him finish packing. "Let's go, my love" Stuart smiles. Murdoc leans his head on Stuart's shoulder as they start to walk out of the house and into the unknown. Onto sunnier adventures the two go.

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