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TW: ⚠️pet death, murder⚠️

{Murdoc POV}:

Noodle's been nagging me for a week that we have to get out of this town after the fucking cult/Cracker Island shit. She's right of course but moving is gonna take forever.


She got the best of me.
We're going to New York. I have fake identification prepared for any emergency. I think after what just happened though it's gonna be best if we lay low for a while. The names aren't really creatively made so I'm not going to share the details.
We have a nice hotel room, comfortable beds, uh. Blue wall. I'm too tired for details, the fight really did a number on me. I'm not the only one though, as soon as we got here Russ turned on the TV and got in bed. I took a shower, Noodle painted her nails, and 2D watched TV with them. It's actually been really lovely to get in a safer setting. We probably aren't going to stay in this hotel long; I miss having my own room after all but this is fine for now. The LA PD was also not happy about that whole cult situation. We were just getting the passports from a friend of mine though, I'm sure in a few days a flight litterally anywhere will help us find our next home.
I was thinking about Mumbai, It's really beautiful there. It'll be great for me and 2D. I could even surprise him with a ring? But of course in time- I'm in no rush to be tied down, heh.
While we're here I might as well take a look around the city. As I walked past some buildings I heard a quiet hiss from the alley between one. It peaked my interest. I went over to the sound and I found a King Cobra in the dumpster. Why is it out here? Isn't this thing more found in deserts? I can't just leave it here. It looks so sad. I picked it up and set it on my shoulder, it slithered around for a moment before deciding to trust me. I haven't had a pet in a while, last time I did was.. Cortez..

I miss him.

I let the scaly creature and it sticks it's tongue out. What should I call him?

I stared about the alley and the city billboards for ideas. Eventually I settled on Kevin. I'm awful with names. It could be worse though. I think I'm gonna bring him back to the hotel room with me! He immediately accepted me, a person like that deserves something in return.
I took him back to the hotel room and smoked a cigarette, I gave him one too. Russel was very confused but too tired to fight it. 2D seemed weary of it at first but eventually put his attention back in his TV show. I'm not sure how Noodle feels about it yet but I'm sure everyone will come to love him.
He continued licking everything, getting used to his new surroundings. Snakes are great, always wanted one.
I had a tarantula named Astrid when I was a kid but my dad boiled her alive and tried to feed her to me and my brother. Me and Hannibal found Astrid in our basement back then, lucky find too. Tarantulas aren't really seen in the UK. My father tried.to serve Astrid to us as some sort of new spaghetti or something, it was awful. Hannibal just fought with dad and I just mourned the loss of our pet. I was so young I could barely even pronounce her name right. My brother is the one who named her, he's weird about naming things. I think it makes him more interesting though I guess. I mean his kids turned out fine so there's that. I haven't seen them in a while either, but at the same time I haven't seen Hannibal much either.
I don't really like things that remind me of my past. He probably hates me for not visiting him much when he was in prison. I have my own problems with the law though.
I got bored of watching TV with the others so I got the room service person to bring me some wine. Tonight we'll rest, in the morning we'll have an amazing breakfast, it'll be great!
I put Kevin on the dresser and laid down in my bed. Their where 2 queen beds but only one had a good view of the TV. 2D looked over and soon joined me in bed. He laid in my chest and I started to rest. I hope Noodle doesn't make fun of me for this.


I slept probably the best I ever have. Things are finally turning up well for me. 2D's been awake apparently but just didn't want to leave my side. My face flushes a little at his small smile gleaming at me.
Kevin was laying in a pile on the dresser as a snake does. I mumble good morning to him and he responded by rolling his tongue out. I love him already.


Noodle's been hanging out with us less and less lately it seems. I assume it's because of me somehow but who knows. 2D and Russel seem worried about it though. If I had to guess she's probably just going to meet up with a friend or something though. I mean she is really close with Ace so that could be it. Her and Ace have been friends since DARE came out. Time really flies doesn't it. DARE turned 18 recently as well, terrifying.
Anyway the weather is getting cooler now that summer ending. I always enjoyed the fall colors, I just hate the cold. I wonder what we'll be doing for Halloween this year. I think 2D's favorite part of Halloween besides the candy is pumpkin carving. I practically have to keep 2D on a leash to make sure he doesn't try to trick or treat. He doesn't understand that he's too old for it; it's kind of cute though.


I sort of ran out of ideas for this chapter because there isn't a lot of begining phase 8 stuff to work with, but hopefully this chapter isn't too boring. I think it might be nice if I use the last 200 words of the chapters from now on to sort of build up the next chapter because then maybe it's more exciting that way? Idrk, I've only been writing for a few years so I'm not an expert with this yet. Anyway thanks for reading this and giving this story some love💜 happy spooky season 🎃

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