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⚠️Sex scene⚠️

Since the restaurant Murdoc had been really focused on making the new album, I'm guessing his jail time might've had somefing to do wif the record company too if him not making the album is an issue to them. Anyway he's been really stressed out so we haven't gotten to have any.. moments between us in a while. I kind of miss it.. and I don't just mean the cuddles, I mean some of the more uh.. serious.. stuff..
I know it's very late at night, about 2 or 3am but Murdoc hasn't gone to sleep, I feel like I could persuade him to though. I knocked on his door and he just said "unlocked" he's been way to focused on practicing and writing songs.. he needs to relax. "Murdoc, c-can we talk?" I asked. He looked up from his bass. I took a breath, my heart was beating fast and my thoughts were scattered. "You've been so busy lately, and I understand that but it's just.. we haven't really uh.. done anything.. in a while, and i-I was wondering.." I got too nervous and stopped. Murdoc smirked and came closer to me, setting his bass down. "Aww, is Stuart begging?~" he said wif flirtatious tone.. I turned red, I didn't know what to say.. I feel overwhelmed but excited at the same time. "i-I uh.." I can't fink straight.. "don't worry, I'll make you feel all bettah~" He laughed a bit before dragging me to his bed.. he started givin me kisses on my neck and hickeys, I couldn't hold myself back. I enjoyed it so much. "Ah.. Mudz~" I moaned softly. It didn't end just there, we even uh.. got intimate. I felt satisfied now. Murdoc, loving me in everyway.. everyfing is perfect💙. He called me a good boy during it, which.. somefing about that: and especially when it's from him just makes me feel a certain way, heh. Normally I hate when he pulls my hair too but when he does it in *that* way.. it feels different. Everything feels different now. Maybe one day Murdoc will even want to be my actual boyfriend.. or more. I can't believe after all this time Murdoc really wasn't so bad.. to fink I hated his guts not to long ago.. I guess I still have some maturing to do. After intercourse we cuddled. I love laying in his chest and listening to his heartbeat, it reminds me that after everything - he's still human. Oh fuck, Murdoc left the collar on me! This is going to be so embarrassing in the morning.. The collar will probably leave a mark and everyfing! Murdoc owes me for the embarrasment i'm about to face. Stupid, tiny, green dinosaur. We didn't even get to work on the album yet. I wonder what Murdoc has so far. *i yawn* it's pretty late. "Stuart, go to bed" Mudz sleepily complained. "Yes sir" I say sarcastically. I lean into the warmth of his chest and start to fall asleep.

In the morning

When me and Muds got up I agreed to help him with the album stuff. Muds said he already has inspiration for a song. When I heard the title I knew it came from me. "'She's my collar'?! Are you fucking with me?!" I yelled at him. First he wants to tell the world about my kinks, secondly he's making it about some girl so our relationship isn't exposed.. whatever makes him happy though. He's lucky I love him. Anyway despite that embarrassing moment, we also came up with some other ones which was good. He said I could make a song or so which was nice because he doesn't usually let me. I should head to my room so I can work that out. "Hey Muds, I'm goin to go to my room for a bit. i-I love you" I have him a kiss on the cheek. He was blushing all the way to the tips of his pointed ears, it was adorable. He mumbled an "I love you too" and I headed to my room. I passed Noodle in the hallway and she started laughing at me because of the mark that collar from last night left on me.. I was so embarrassed and annoyed, my whole face went red. I just hurried off to my room even more quickly than before. I sighed and started messing with my keyboards for inspiration, and it took hours but eventually I wrote the set up to We Got The Power. I was just about ready to show get up and show Murdoc my ideas when I felt a cold, ghostly chill crawling up my back. This made me uneasy and I shuddered a bit. I decided not to waste time with whatever THAT was an headed to Muds' room. When he was me he knew somefing was off. I ran straight to his arms and hugged him. "Woah- what's wrong, mate?" Murdoc asked me. "I fink there's a ghost in my room.." I mumbled. "Ghost? Stuart you're probably just paranoid, Noodle said she'd exterminate the spirits from this place so it can't be" Murdoc tells me. He always tries to say stuff like this to me, but I know what I felt.. Murdoc sighs and puts his arms around me, which is different because he *hates* hugs. The only hug he doesn't punch people in the face for is when it's from Noodle (which makes sense but it would be funny to see her kick his ass). I feel safe in his arms.. being in his chest is just so comforting. "You going to let go of me any time soon?" He finally spoke up. "Roit, sorry" I let go and stood up. "Uhm anyway, I know it's been a few hours but I got a song set up" I showed him my ideas. He had sort of a blank expression but he said it was okay. We used ai to make the album cover look the way it did because apparently some fans and such think we don't look "human" enough, so that's goin to be different, roit on the album cover we'll show em what human looks like. Anyway I fink we're all ready to get to work wif this album. We could probably finish it by the end of the month even! I'm excited.

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