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Somefing Muds never wanted anyone to know is that he has this secret softer side to him, I've only seen it a few times but I fink it's actually quite lovely to know there's a humble person underneath that sour attitude of his. I haven't seen his softer side in months though, so I wonder if it's finally gone.. every time I see it it surprises me. I wonder what wud happen if he just stop putting up this front that he has to be so "tough" and do all these insane things all the time. Would he be a decent guy? Maybe we could even actually start... No, no, wot am I saying?! It's bloody Murdoc, he would never change.. all he ever does is scream at me, hit me, and use me whenever he feels loik it.. music is my only escape, and yet music is barely even wot i want. I wanted to work on a funfair, I mean I guess this isn't horrible, dependin on the day. I just wish Muds would stop.. I just want him to care for once.. but that's not goin to happen. Why do I waste so much time on stuff like this? Why do I waste time thinkin of him? I should be mor interested in findin a girl or somefing.. a knock on my room door disrupts my thoughts. I sigh and get off my bed. I open it, speak of the devil- it's Murdoc. What does he want from me now? Wait.. he actually doesn't look angry or anyfing.. "Hey Stuart, do you mind if I come in?" He ask me. He never really calls me by my name. It's always some insult about my eye injury. "U-uhm sure" I say to him, caught off guard a bit. I step aside and he comes in, shuttin my door behind himself. He goes over to my bed and sits down, he seems.. happy.. "uhm.. if everyfing alright Muds? Did I do somefing rong?" I asked him. He shook his head. "I just missed you a little is all" he looks down a bit. Missed me?.. could this be that.. that side of him? I decided to go sit next to him. "Why are you missin me? I'm roit here" I smile a bit. He leans his head on my shoulder. Is he loik drunk or high or somefing? There's no way this is actually happenin. His black hair moved a bit away from his eyes in the motion. I actually like when his bangs aren't in the way of his face. I smile a bit. "I fink I missed you too Muds" I add. "Lay down" he commanded me. Oh.. he just wants to use me again.. for that.. I sigh and lay down. Instead of tearin my clothes off or anyfing he lays in my chest. I can feel my face heating up. "Ah.. Muds are you ok?" I ask. "Mhm" he says, soundin tired. I really wish I didn't like Murdoc sometimes. I know he's the absolute worst person to have a crush on and he probably doesn't even actually love me but when he does stuff like this.. I love this. "You fallin asleep down there?" I ask, giggling a bit. He shook his head a bit but he was. We eventually passed out together.

In the mornin, he was gone. Just as I expected. He doesn't actually love me, and I know that. Why do I wish he did?.. maybe Noodle can help me sort this out, I feel weird and broken.. she's young but she's always been like a sibling to me. I get up to see if my room is unlocked. It wasn't. I guess there's specific curfews an fings. I lay down in bed and continue trying to make sense of why Muds did what he did last night. He's a horrible person, I'm preitty sure he drugged me to bring me to Plastic Beach, he's used me for his own pleasure, hit me wif several different objects, and yet nothing he does when he ISN'T upset wif me makes any sense at all. Why do I feel so flustered about this?! Murdoc why are you so complicated?!?! Finally, one of the staff members comes and tells me to go to breakfast. I get up and head out. At breakfast there's Murdoc, Noodle, and Cyborg Noodle. Noodle is glaring at the robot, and I just kind of sit by Muds since I don't know wot to do about the situation. We ate our breakfast preitty quietly. I haven't seen Noodle in so long, it's good to see her. When I finished my food I finally decided to speak to her. "I missed you, Noodle" I know she isn't great wif English but I can still try, it's the thought that counts. She half smiles "I missed you too" I guess she has learned English fluently! I wonder how, this is great! One of the ship staff members came in and started talking to Noodle. I didn't hear much of what they said other than 2 Black Clouds planes were spotted in the distance and the passengers should start evacuating just Incase. Noodle immediately got up an went to her room, the staff member followed her. Muds grabbed me and told me we were going back in Stylo.. damn, I actually enjoyed it here for a moment.. Cyborg Noodle came back wif us. "Wot about REAL Noodle?! And we still haven't found Russ!!" I squealed, panicked now. I can breathe! We can't just leave her again! "She has a gun in her room, she'll be fine" Muds tells me. How can he just not care?! Is the only thing he cares about keeping his soul?! "Calm down 2D! We can't die like this! Noodles smart, she'll be okay" he tried to reassure me. I mean I guess that's true but.. oh god please don't let anyfing happen to her.. I tried to control my breathing, if anyone's gonna die down here its ginna be ME!

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