Filling the void

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2D pov:

Tw: ⚠️drug smuggling mention, false charge⚠️

It's been pretty lonely wifout Murdoc. I've been writing my feelins in my diary. I think I need to try something new to help relax. I got a pair of skates when I was in my 20s, maybe they still fit. I walk over to my closet and digging through the clutter. I managed to find them in mint condition. I tried them on and nearly fell on my face. I definitely need practice. Maybe I could get someone to teach me or somefing. Maybe Noodle knows some way to help me out, I'd ask Russel but I feel like it would be too awkward. I took off the skates and went to Noodle's room. She was playing on her Gameboy color. "Noodle! Can you help me out wif somefing?" I politely asked. She raised a brow "with what?"
"I actually was hoping you new anyone or some way I could learn to skate" I told her while nervously tapping fingers together. "Maybe you could take a class or something? I would look for an ad in the paper" She smiled sweetly. I nodded "Thank you Noodle".  I headed back to my room. I was actually working on a diary entry before this, so I'll probably finish it then go to bed. I went over to the desk and looked for the diary but I couldn't find it. Did someone find out about it? Did it get stolen?! There's personal things in there! I nervously tried to catch my breath. Calm down.. i-i'm sure I just misplaced it. I went to bed. For the next month I focused everyday into looking for newspaper ads. I eventually did found one, and I grabbed my stuff and went straight there! I left a note in my room just in case anyone was looking for me, just somefing brief like

running errands, I'll be back later :) -Stu Pot

Anyway I headed to the address and walked inside. Classes are 4 weeks long so I'll probably do this for a long while, depending on how much I want to do. So I started taking lessons and I actually learned really easily, I decided to stay for a few more weeks, and then I'd start doing fings on my own. I'm not even concerned about safety equipment anymore because I'm so good at it. I wonder if Muds would be proud. I haven't thought about him in 4 weeks. It feels like I'm finally getting used to him not being around as much.. I don't fink he's even called us. Maybe I should ask Ace if he knows anything. I sigh and decided to head home. The cool wind blows against my skin as the sun is starting to set.
I smile because the weather is perfect. The way the sun is shining down it's last few slivers of light on the grass and corners of the sky is just beautiful. The blue in the sky is barely visible as everyfing is a mix of pinks and orange, with a light dusting of thin clouds among it. I skated among the sidewalk as I headed home. I wish I had photographed the sunset because it was so beautiful but I didn't fink of it. At least the sunset is somefing I know will never go away. My blue hair blows softly in the wind as I push forward. Once I return home I take my skates off at the door, Noodle's been trying to tell me to learn how to tie my shoes since Muds has been gone. Murdoc always ties my shoes for me, infact Noodle at least started making sure to tie my skates for me. She says if I'm going to trip at least not to trip in skates. I'm not going to trip but if tying my skates makes her happy I won't stop her. I walked past the kitchen, drifting along the smooth wooden floor in my socks as I headed to my room. I opened the door and headed in, then shut it. I smiled as I stared at the newly painted blue walls, I painted them a few months ago to make this place feel more like home. It's still pretty awful though but I think we're staying here until we can get Muds back now at least. I set my skates by my closet and jumped into bed. It feels good to lay down. The blankets comfort me almost as well as Murdoc's chest.. but now it feels empty, I just keep remindin' myself that he's not here.. there's no way he was actually smuggling drugs! Why is it taking so long for the authorities to figure that out? Why did he have to get taken from us. Oh God I can't believe I'm going to cry over this again.. I pulled my blankets over me and started to sob into my pillow. The tears started to soak into the case, darkening the primary color. I was sobbing so hard I didn't even notice Ace come in. Wif my blurry, tear filled eyes I leaned up to face him. He was holding a green journal that looked just like my diary. A bad feeling started to stir up in me as the rest of me filled with anxiety. "Uh, heya D, I was gonna talk about this but uh. You can have this back" He sets the diary on the corner of my bed. "You.. you took my diary?" I nervously asked but I already knew the answer. He staid quiet for a moment too long. "Well.. there's some really good stuff in there! We could turn some of it into music even, ya know? Besides maybe we should let the fans know Murdoc's gonna be gone for a while, at least by now if they ain't seen the news already- ya know, make it all official!" Ace smiles. I felt loik I was goin to frow up..  he wants to make an album out of my private feelings, and on top of that all so he can get some of his own fame that rightfully belongs to Murdoc but Ace is somehow justified to be here because Murdoc is serving a sentence in bloody jail that he doesn't even deserve?! What the FUCK?! In all my emotions I just started crying more. "Just get out!" I yelled. "We'll work out the details later" He said before he left. This is the worst day ever. I took my diary and hid it under my pillow. I feel mortified.. I cried a while longer until I was eventually able to fall asleep.

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