Update/Inmate 24602

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Murdoc POV:

Tw: ⚠️smuggling mention, stabbing mention⚠️

My cell mates helped me get access to a phone by distracted the guards and such for a bit. Anyway, while that was happening I updated my Twitter and talked to the others for a little. Even though I've been in here the guards don't seem TOTALLY stuck up. They even said I can step out of my cell for a few minutes to show my presence at the 2018 Brit awards. I don't know when exactly I'm getting out of the dump just yet. Anyway it didn't take long to find out the band did an entire fucking album without me. I mean I know Noodle and I had Ace go there but I was hoping that would just be a back up thing, it's still not fair. While I was checking other stuff online I thought I'd need someone to help me bust out of here, that's when I decided I'd turn to the fans and ask someone to hack into the PA system to send a message for me. Anyway it didn't take long for someone to come play the PA message. Now I can work my way to the top of this shit hole. I probably won't be back online until mid July though, because now I have bigger problems. I can definitely kick his ass through. I mean, I've tried to seduce death herself, this can't be all that bad. I started a prison fight with the biggest guy in here to get all the prison around my finger. Also apparently Noodle froze my bank account in my absence. Does she actually think I smuggled drugs?! Eh, I guess there's worse things to worry about. Anyway turns out uh, I have to fight someone bettah! McGuiness just fucking stabbed me in the eye. Anyway there's some other guy in here called the Inhaler or something, so I'm going after him. I need to get this whole El Mierda thing figured out and if there's anyone I can get that information out of I have to try.


It worked! Now I have the coordinates to El Mierda's hideaway, and I can destroy them at any given chance. It took almost all summer to finally get through to Noodle about this, she seems to know her fair share of demons and such. She had been ignoring my calls and messages for months. She thinks Al Mierda took 2D's soul or something. I'll worry about that once I'm out of here, now I have to plan my break out. It took a couple weeks to for Noodle to get to the coordinates, she messaged me while she was there and meanwhile I was escaping through the disgusting sewers. I mean it wasn't all bad though I guess I've been through worse; BUT GOD the SMELL. Almost threw up a few times. It was more disgusting then you could imagine. I think at some point I started losing it. I saw a shadow like figure at the end of the pipe. I begged for it to save me and it kind of nodded like it had something in mind. Not long after that I ended up passing out.

When I woke up I was in the freezing cold in the middle of FUCK KNOWS WHERE and my only warmth was the animal I was tied to and a few blankets. I decided to suck it up though, at least I'm a free man now. I passed out again and Noodle took me back home from there. Uh, moral of the story - making things up ain't worth headlines. Now where's 2D at? I'm tired and I just want to be with him again.. as much as I hate to admit it, I missed him. I went straight to his room because I knew Ace was in mine and Noodle came in with me. When Stuart saw me the excitement was like no other. His white eyes were practically beaming at me. He got out of bed and ran over to me, hugging me. I jolted at the sudden gesture but at the same time it was comforting. Noodle stepped away to go talk to Ace. 2D started sobbing even. Ewww now I'm all wet. "Oh, I have so much to tell you" He gleamed. "Uh yeah, i.. I missed a whole album I guess" I tried to joke. We both knew it was more sad than funny. I mean it was litterally the whole band moving on and being better off without me, I'm not just going to let that slide. There was a small collection of my things I noticed on Stuart's bed, one being my shirt laying on the pillow, and the other being.. Mr. Fuzzy? I walked over to the bunny stuffed animal and picked it up. "Where did you find him, I thought.." no, I'm not going to get emotional over this. I can't. "Oh, Noodle found it. It took her a while and she came back pretty bruised but she bounced back just fine. She never explained where she went though" 2D explained. "I'll have to ask her later" I mumbled. 2D shrugged it off. I'm taking Fuz back though no matter what Stu says. He's mine. "So Muds, we have a lot to talk about ,huh.." Stuart says, his smile faltering a bit. "Like what? The eyes? Ace? The entire fucking album?" I snarled. "The album?..did you.. listen to the album?" 2D says in awe. I took a deep breath, I know he's going to get extremely excited for this and I am not in the mood for it. "Yes, yes I did" I stood there and watched him smile again. He practically bounced around in excitement. "What was your favorite? Did you like humility? I worked my hardest on that one!" He just kept yaking on for a moment and then he finally shut up to hear what I had to say. "Eh, well not a big fan of Humility, in all honesty. The tone is my issue really, followed by other stuff but of course I'll talk more about that later. I liked Souk Eye, Magic City, Fireflies, and Kansas though. Souk Eye actually wrenched at my heart a little" I watched 2D's demeanor change. He was not blushing like some love-struck highschool girl. "What's wrong with you?" I asked bluntly. "i-I.. I won't some of the songs.. about you ,Murdoc". Me.. about me? No wonder they kind of.. hurt, in a really specific way. I didn't quite know what to think of this. Am I supposed to say thank you? What do I say? He hugged me again. "Erm.. what are you-" he cuts me off. "I just want to cuddle.." he now seems less relaxed than before and more overwhelmed by his mixture of emotions. I shrugged. "Fine" and so we cuddled. I smiled, looking at the tuffs of his soft blue hair leaning against my chest. I'm pretty sure he even passed out on me. Okay, he is pretty adorable I guess. He deserves someone so much better than me..
I'm pretty rotten for someone who is supposed to be his boyfriend. After all I've dealt with over the last year or so though.. I really will try to be better this time. For him.

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