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TW: ⚠️pet death mention⚠️ — this chapter is long but it's an important one so bare with me. ALSO YES I USED FOR MEMORIES AGAIN, I FUCKING LOVE THAT SONG (IM SORRY ILL STOP) - istg if rhe video doesn't work tho this small rant wont make any sense

Edit: it keeps taking my videos offff

{2D POV}

For once things between me and Murdoc are working out (and staying that way).

It's January now and the weather here is so much better than the cold winters some of the states America had was. This place is absolutely beautiful. The climate is very tropical I fink because of the location here. Some of the places here also also very cheap, surprisingly. This place is perfect; and Murdoc never really finks things through before movin us so it's actually comforting that we ended somewhere nice for a change.
Murdoc has been so sweet to me, I know I've said it before but I fink I'm finally comfortable being his boyfriend. I wonder if he still wants to hide it. I should ask. The fans would even be happy to know (at least the ones that matter anyway).
I left Mudz room ,I have my own but I sleep with him most of the time. He just has separate rooms so our stuff doesn't get lost I fink, and headed down to the kitchen to find him. He was sitting at the counter while Noodle cooked breakfast. "Hey Mudz, could I ask a question?"
He turns towards me. "I erm. Have to go run errands" he stated strangely. He got up and grabbed his keys and pack of cigarettes, then left.
Did I do somefing? Or was I being a fool again..
No, he's gotta come back, he's gotta.
I sat down at the counter and sighed. I waited for Noodle to make breakfast. When she finished I just stared down at it. I suddenly wasn't even hungry anymore. I don't want to be rude though so I ate a little and took the rest to my room. Murdoc was gone for HOURS. Wot on Earth was he doin? I want to know but what if I upset him or somefing, what if it was personal? No- I'm overfinking. Tomorrow is another day, roit? I'll ask tomorrow! :]


I was waitin for Mudz at the counter in the kitchen. I got up before Noodle even just to be sure he'll come see me. When Noodle came down she was confused to see my awake but didn't judge. I told her I was waitin for Murdoc. She started to wash yesterday's dishes. Usually Russel does it but he's still recovering from somefing about "The static channel". I fink it has to do with the Cracker Island fing but that whole time was really hazy for me.
Murdoc came downstairs finally. "Morning Mudz"
"Morning. Can you make me some tea? Seven sugars please"
"Uh, sure" I prepared the kettle for him. "Any errands to run today?"
"Erm, a few actually" he replied vaguely.
"Where to?" I tried to ask.
"Not important" he replied densely. He was always very dense. Maybe I shouldn't force him to open up just yet. Things between us are always very complicated after all. I probably shouldn't worry. I just wish he'd talk to me. I'm sure he will when he's ready though. I finished up his tea and made it just the way he wanted. I handed it to him gently. "Be careful it's still hot ,Love" I smile. He nods silently and starts to drink it fearlessly anyway.
"Murdoc, when will your errands end? I was hoping to ask you a question" I feel awkward announcing that while Noodle is still here. I'm sure she's not trying to listen though.
"Well, I'd love to hear it but I've got places to be and people to see, love you!" He took his tea and left suspiciously. This is just a coincidence. He does love me! Roit?..
Maybe he's out seeking therapy or, I don't know, taking Kevin out. Do snakes go places with people? I'm not sure, I've never owned a reptile. I had a dog he and Noodle's dog got frozen to death ages ago.
Maybe someone else knows what he's been up to. I look at Noodle. "Noodle do you know where he's been going?"
"Not a clue" she finished the dishes and put them in the drying rack.
Why do I feel so nervous? It's fine, it's got to be. I'll just wait for him again..

I watched the clock pass in the livingroom for hours. Eventually though, I fell asleep.


Murdoc's strange avoidance continued for about two weeks. It saddened me. Did a question really bug him this much or is there still somefing he isn't tellin me? Do I mess up again?
Today was different though. He actually came home early. "Murdoc!" I ran to him and hugged him. I fink I sacred him but I just missed him so much. "Hey 2D" he smiled. "Is that the last errand?" I ask nervously.
"Yeah". My heart blossoms, exploding with joy. I don't even care about what I had to ask him anymore I just want to spend time with him again. "Hey 2D, I actually have something I kind of want to talk to you about later as well. It can wait though, it's erm.. private" A blush spread across his face. "Of course Mudz, anyfing for you"
I really hope it's a good fing, he hasn't been around me barely in the past two weeks and if he did all that running around just to break up with me I'd be crushed..
I guess I just have to wait for him. He seems nervous. All I have is hope.


I laid in my room for a while, starin at the ceiling until my eyes hurt and I can't see the right colors anymore. The clock clicked to 5pm. Muds isn't coming, is he.
It's close to dinner time, I guess I have that to look forward to. My door nob rustles, followed by a comforting swing of the door. Murdoc is ready to talk to me! Oh fuck he's ready to talk to me..

He tells me he wants to go somewhere secluded. He holds my hand as he takes me there. His hands are always cold, just like how he can be sometimes. The sun isn't gonna be out much longer. It's spreading it's warm rays across our backs as Murdoc leads on. I fink we're by the Hanging Gardens. He stops once we're Infront of an iron door covered in vines and various other plants. There's lots of flowers near as well.
"So, what did you want to talk about?" I stutter out nervously.
"Well, 2D.. I never thought I'd be doing this but, fuck. You're just really amazing, aren't you" He pauses to catch his breath, he appears nervous as well. My heart beats fast. He continues, "I love you so much, you're the love of my life, I'd give my whole heart to you. I love spending time with you and being in your company. I want to be with you always, nothing makes me happier than having you by my side" his face is covered in a soft pink blush. My heart blossoms with his every word; but what happened next completed it. He got down and proposed to me! He gave me the most beautiful aquamarine and silver ring. It was in the shape of a beautiful rose. Murdoc awaited my response. My face turned red and I started to cry. "I thought you would never ask!" I happily sobbed. He smiled brightly and put the ring on my finger. He stood up and kissed me.

I've never been so happy 💙

I wanted to show off the ring so

A/N:I wanted to show off the ring so

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