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Russel POV:

TW: ⚠️ alcoholism, pet death⚠️

2D left yesterday and Murdoc STILL hasn't come back. I know Muds don't make smart decisions most of the time but this isn't like him. He wouldn't abandon the band he worked so hard for just like this. Was all this some kind of sick coverup to run away with 2D? Nah, couldn't be. If Murdoc keeps this up Noodle ain't gonna be happy. Maybe we should call 'em. I grabbed my phone and dialed Murdoc but it didn't get answered. Where the fuck is that clown? And D would've at least texted by now! What am I supposed to tell Noodle? I have my reasons to hate Murdoc but making Noodle unhappy ain't somethin I had on my bucket list. "What are we supposed to do without them?.." She says nervously. I don't really know what to tell her.. "uh, it'll all be okay Noodle" that was the best I could do. As much as I hate to admit it, Del's better at the whole comforting thing. Maybe I should let him handle this. Noodle's pretty close to sobbing after all.. fine. I go to lay down, I've figured out Del sometimes comes out when I'm asleep. At least the couch is comfy.

Del POV:

Finally! Russel is asleep! Where the damn hell are we? This ain't Plastic Beach! Well, I didn't like the beach that much anyway but this is still a serious downgrade! Oh hey, there's Noodle! Aw, she's crying.. "Noodle.. you ok?" When she saw me she hugged me ,or tried to. It's the thought that counts. Noodle's like a sister or child or somthin' to me, I gotta be here for her from time to time.  She's special to me/us. Where's singer and green man?.. maybe that's why she's cryin'.. I'll kill 'em if they just abandoned her with Russel! Russ is great but.. ya can't just do that to someone! If I find out what happened to those punks, I'll teach 'em a thing or two. For now, Noodle.. "hey Noodle, you hungry at all?" She shakes her head, Al ost like she's mad I asked. "What about tired?" She shrugged. I turn off the lights with my spirit powers and sne sher to bed so she'll stop worrying. I have no clue if it's even night out but I had to do somethin'.. there ain't much I can do in times like these so I gotta help out when I can, right? I mean I am technically part of the band, me and Russ are a two in one deal! We're soulmates! Wait, no.. uh. Spirit mates? It's work in progress on names n' shit. Anyway Noodle's finally relaxed, I prolly should talk to Russ about 'the fuck I missed. Is Plastic Beach okay? Did Murdoc finally get his soul taken by the devil? (He deserves it anyway), and where the hell is dunce face? (2D). Damn, I don't even see a set of drums I could practice on in here! This place sucks. Actually, do we have any of our belongings? What the fuck is up with this?! I'd ask Noodle but, I don't wanna upset her more..
I glanced at the TV to see if maybe one of the boys were marked missing yet: nothin'. I was about to turn it off when I saw Murdoc got arrested for somethin' (figures).  Murdoc's always gettin' in trouble, that guy seriously needs to chill out. He's always spendin' money ,stealin' things, sleeping with people, he's fuckin' bat shit crazy sometimes. I think the worst I ever seen him though is when he was blackout drunk one night and tried to cook his pet raven alive to make some kind of "roast". Like what the fuck was with that?! When he finally got up the next day it was horrible for him. That bird somehow survived the oven (barely) but it has like no feathers left. I guess when it escaped it had left feathers all over the kitchen, then eventually died from all the exhaustion. Muds was dead inside. I'm pretty sure he got that bird tattooed. Man, I think Plastic Beach was just a shit show for all of us. 2D spent most of his time locked in his room, next to a whale that Murdoc somehow paid to torment him,  the boiler was shit and the repair man sucked so it was either way too hot or way too cold, and most of the doors has lock issues so sometimes you'd just get trapped in a room for hours to a day or so. The place also smelled like fish and garbage! I mean I guess that's what happens when a bunch of plastic becomes so polluted it makes an island, but Murdoc could've at least invested in some air fresheners! He burned Kong Studios to the ground just before so I mean if there was ANY left over money I totally would've got some. I been dead a while so I have no idea how much insurance is these days actually. Speaking of pollution, Russ has been talkin' about goin' swimmin' a lot and I keep telling him it's a bad idea, since last time it litterally turned him into a giant but all he says is “its hot!”. Just because you're human body thinks it's hot doesn't mean I have to suffer! Then again, I could cause more chaos if I was bigger.. it's been a few hours since Noodle first fell asleep so shes getting up now. "Hey, you okay?" I asked. She shrugs. "I got a bit of an update for you.." I tell her. She prolly ain't gonna like this though. She looks like she's interested now. "Murdoc is in jail, I don't know how long and I don't know what for" she seemed annoyed about that but I mean what else could she say to that. That's pretty normal and expected of Murdoc, just bad timing. The band's gotta work on their next album. Now we just gotta worry about 2D.

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