At sixes and Sevens

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Tw: ⚠️drug use/mentions, drowning mention, smuggling mention⚠️

After about 20 minutes of being alone without Murdoc I went to Noodle to see where he had gone. "Hi Stuart. Murdoc went out to get groceries" she smiles. "Oh, okay" I say down and waited for him to come back. After a few hours I started to feel nauseous from how nervous I was.. where's Muds? I decided to wait even more.. I guess I even fell asleep at one point because Russel woke me up saying that it was well after dark and he was worried about me. "Did Muds come home?.." I mumbled. "No.. he's probably seeing his new friend" Russel shrugged. I won't accept that, Murdoc just apologized to me so he wouldn't just leave us, leave me.. would he? The thoughts started to make me scared, so I decided to go to my room and handle things the only way I knew how.. getting stoned.

Later - Still 2D POV:

Over the next few days the phone was ringing a lot but we didn't know who it was so we didn't answer. Murdoc was still gone.. my eyes changed though, they turned white now because he wasn't around to hit me or mess with me at all. I kind of liked it. Murdoc isn't coming back.. is he..
After about a week we received a lettah in the mail. Maybe it's Murdoc! Maybe he didn't abandon me for that other guy.. when Russ brought the mail in a dug though it like a racoon in a trash bin. The letter was to all of us. I opened it and Noodle came to see it as well. It really was from Murdoc. He explained that he got framed for smuggling and was now in jail in Mexico. Fucking great. It said for now we should have his mate Ace full in for him. Oh great, I hate Ace.. last time we talked he wanted to date me, then nearly drowned me when I refused! Noodle seemed anxious and Russel was quiet as always. "This.. this can't be happening, I won't accept this!" I yelled. In my state of anxiety I was probably being hysterical but still, I just got him back.. "D, this isn't something we can control" Russel said tryin to calm me down. Noodle looked upset but wasn't saying anyfing. "But this isn't fair, I just- we just.. I can't accept this!" I was nearly in tears at this point. "Stuart.. I'm so sorry.." Noodle mumbled, I fink she was crying as well. I fink she is the only one who sort of knows there's sort of a complicated relationship between me and Murdoc. I went off to my room.

I didn't come out for a good long while. I spent almost the entire day in there sobbing over Murdoc. It was well after sundown now, I haven't even though to feed myself at all since reading the lettah. I was about to pull my blankets on an go to bed when I heard a knock at my door. Oh god, please don't be Ace.. "D-san? Can I come in?.." I could make out Noodle's voice and a sense a of relief washed over me. "Sure.. it's dark, so sorry about that.." I mumbled. When she came in she turned on the lamp. She was holding a tray with some food on it. She brought me Broccoli cheese soup with some drumsticks. Even though Noodle's the youngest she's so caring and kind.. she's like a sister to me. "You didn't eat at all today after everything so I figured I'd make you something" she says calmly. I started tearing up. This was so nice after how hard today has been. She set the tray down on the nightstand and hugged me. I hugged her back and cried for a while. "I love you Noodle" I sobbed. "I love you to, Stuart" She smiled softly. I let go and decided to eat the dinner she made since she actually took the time to do it n all. I always want to be polite to Noodle, she's like a little sister to me. I never had much of a family, just my dad.. but my dad and I haven't always had a great relationship. The past is in the past though. Me and the others have been through a lot, but that's usually because of Murdoc though. I love Murdoc, but.. maybe things really will be better without him. Even if Ace is here (Uhg). Maybe, even though this isn't a blood related family, this is all I really need. Just the three of us. (I still don't trust Ace so he obviously isn't in that three though). Although I still feel a great sense of loss over Murdoc, I guess it's just somefing me and the others will have to overcome, even if they weren't as attached to him as I was. Noodle staid in my room to keep an eye on me, she was playing on her Gameboy when I went to take care of my dishes from the dinner she brought me. I rinsed the plate and then left it in the sink since Russel likes doing the dishes usually. The house feels so quiet, I mean I know it's usually loik that because it's possessed n stuff, but I mean its just so different wifout Murdoc.. I can't decide if this will be bettah for us or just lonely for me.. I'm so upset wif myself over this.. I feel like me and Noodle are the only two that care. Think, think.. wot could help me take my mind off it.. maybe I should take up a new hobby or somefing? I don't know. I hope Murdoc is doin okay in there.. this is worse when the Boogeyman was our roommate, or when we were stuck in the dressing room. I know both of those things happened because of Murdoc technically but still. I miss him.. Suddenly there was a knock on the front door. Before I could get it he let himself in. Uhg. It's Ace.

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