"Oliver Thompson" / Set up⛓️

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AN: the character Oliver Thompson is just a combination of common British names according to Google, I just needed to make a fake identity for him since idk what his fake name is and idk if it's ever confirmed or anything, but point is Oliver isn't who he says he is. He's actually Almeida (Mexican culture demon pretty much, and I probably  butchered the name spelling) in a human disguise, ik I could've found a way to write that in but I couldn't think of anything in the moment and i like writing my chapters back to back. Oh also I try to write the POVs how they speak but since Murdoc is drunk this chapter is gonna be hell to read and for me to write lmfao. Ok Murdoc is fucking black out drunk, I'll say that now. He's also a gay drunk😳

Tw: ⚠️drugs/drug smuggling mention⚠️


Murdoc POV:

I brought Olvah bak to mi room so we could talk andd git to knoe evhother a bet. Olivah is grate! Trust him wit all my hart. I showed him my bass and some stuff I ben privatley workin on, he enjoyed it, he even said I was the best membah in the band! But this is all kind of remindin me of the whole Jimmy Manson thing, so maybe I should stay alert.. but there's just somehing abut him. Maybe I relly hav had too much to drink. 2D came in during me and Olivah'z conversation and ruend it all. "Muds- wot is he still doin here?" He sounded jealous. "Who's he again?" Oliver ask. "He's no one- get out, Dents!" I screamed at him. He got teary eyed and left. "Damn dude" Oliver mumbled. "Don't worry about it, Olivah" I smirked. "I should probably get going, Murdoc.." Oliver whined. I pinned him against the wall (consensually). Oliver suddenly shared changing like some sort of monster. "I SAID I NEED TO GET GOING" It gargled at me. I backed away "Oliver?!" I called out to it. "IF YOU TRY ANYTHING AGAIN , I'LL CURSE YOU MURDOC NICCALS" it yelled. I laughed a bit, I cudnt help it. I ben thru so muj worse already, how bad could this be? It grabbed me by the neck and burned it's disheveled grip into my neck, leaving marks that would last a fiw days. It then disappeared within a flash of light. I sighed. I ruend everything yet again. Im fuckng goign to bed.

He passed out soon after

When I woke up in the morning Noodle was pounding on my door and cussing me out, I don't know why. My head fucking hurts. She eventually pounded so hard the door swung open and she marches in. She ripped my blanket off so I'd pay attention to her. "What the hell!" I yelled at her. I hate being angry with her but I feel harassed. What the fuck is her problem today?! "Apologize to Stuart!" She yelled. "What the hell are you talking about?!" What the fuck is going on?! She rolled her eyes and then punched me in the face. "OW! OKAY, OKAY! Sweet Satan" I grumbled, getting up. I put on a jacket at least because I don't wear shirts to bed most of the time and headed to find 2D. Noodle followed me around like some sort of guard dog. I knocked on 2D's door. I think he was sobbing. Oh I really must've fucked up last night.. I can't even remember what could've happened though, besides getting this stab wound, going to a party.. then nothing. "Stu? Honey, can I come in?" I mumbled through the door. I heard footsteps, then the knob rattled. Then it was still. I turned it, it was unlocked. I slowly headed in, and Noodle left me alone. I think she just wanted to make sure I'd actually apologize. 2D was on his bed, crying pretty hard. He looked like he hadn't slept much. I walked over to him and sat by him. "Stuart, what's wrong?" I reached my hand up to caress his cheek but he pushed me away. "What's wrong? What's wrong?! What's wrong is that you think I'm nothing! I'm nothing to you!" He sobbed. I said that?! But I love him, I would never, I mean sure I don't always like to admit it but still, I would never say THAT. I had nothing really I could do to make this better. "Stuart, I don't remember what happened last night, please forgive me.." I explained. He still remained angry for a moment before returning back to sadness. "Murdoc, wot are we?.." when he talks like this I never know how to respond.. I mean I DO love him I just.. what would people think? I know I'm not the kind of person to care about that but with all me and 2D have been through they'd surely harass us if they knew it was HIM. "You love me, you don't love me.. what's up wif you?.. I wish you'd make up your mind.. are we really even together? You've never once said if we'd ever actually be boyfriends or not- I want to BE something, I want to know you care.. please, just show me you care.." he sobbed. My heart ached. Fuck it. 2D is way more important to me than fame right now. I hugged him even though I hate doing that sort of thing and waited for him to calm down a bit. He accepted the embrace and buried his face in my chest. "I.. I'm s-sorry.." I finally was able to say. He looked up at me. He doesn't usually hear that from me ,no one does. "I do care, i.. I'm just.. a complicated person.." he rolled his eyes at that. "And?" He said. Uhg, I have to belittle myself even more now. "Look, I fucked up with whatever I did last night.. and I didn't mean any of what I said.. I'll even.. I'll even actually agree to being yours, if you can forgive me.." I basically begged him to forgive me. I don't want to carry years of guilt anymore. I want Stuart and I to be happy. Once 2D finally stopped crying he agreed to be my boyfriend, and he even said he'd forgive me in time. That's better than nothing I suppose, if being a satanist has taught me anything it's that you get what you get. Me and Stuart cuddled for a while until Noodle yelled for me from the kitchen. As we got up we both didn't know what she wanted so I went to find out. I saw her standing in the kitchen looking semi upset and the rest annoyed. "Uh, yeah?" I said to her. "We need to buy groceries" she informed me. Uhg. Fine. "Alright, let me get my stuff and I'll do it quickly to get it over with" she seemed pleased with that and I headed to my room again. I changed into some normal clothe and then got in my car, heading to the store.

Of course to match my awful luck I got pulled over.. and a arrested? What the fuck!! They believed I was smuggling drugs?! Why the hell would I be smuggling drugs?! And to Mexico for some reason?! The hell! I swear to Satan if this becomes a pattern in my life I'm going to be so over it all. I just got 2D back, and now I'm being taken away again. Maybe that Oliver guy really did curse me.. oh shit 2D's birthday is coming up too. Oh this fucking sucks!

★EDIT/AN: I know, I never edit so this is a big surprise, but apparently the guy from the strobelite music video that Murdoc was taking to had a cannon name. I don't remember what it was but apparently if I had known that when I was writing this book it could've been less weird. Welp, too late now but I figured I'd at least bring it up, maybe idk. ★

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