Static Signals/The prophecy

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TW: alcohol use

Russel POV:

I was flipping through the TV channels a few days ago when I came across a strange station I didn't recognize. Tha static channel. Why would anyone air static? I tried to ignore it but, in a weird way it started to feel like the static was following me. At the cafe: static channel, in the IKEA: Static channel, ECT. It repeated for a while. It's fucking with my head at this point. What's so damn important about the static channel? I decided to have a final look at it one night. I stared at it for a while, nothing was really clicking, at least not until an hour in. I started to see past it. It was just a blur to most people, but there's a video behind it. The Hollywood sign, something under it and a being that could possibly end us all.. I have to warn them!


Murdoc POV:

Russel's starting to act really weird. Not sure if it has anything to do with me or if the poor bastard is just losing his mind. A few days ago an epiphany came to me, or a prophecy or something. I told Noodle and Russel we were going to start a cult of our own. Noodle didn't like that at first but I told her it's uh a nice cult. We're going to change the world. The prophecy was very clear on me being the great leader. We devided up the work load I er lunch, me being the leader would bring people in with my irresistible charm, Russel would be our little seeker of truth and help spread things online, Noodle will be our scholar and study ancient text to help make the Last Cult doctrine, and 2D being the chosen one. Of course I had to make him "the chosen one", he is my love after all. All though most of the time I just have him clean the floors or wash our clothes heheh.
Actually I'm short on ideas for 2D so he keeps pestering me about what to do. I love him but it got really annoying. I ended up just giving him a shovel and tossing him outside to get him to leave me alone. Moon Flower also came over to tell me to stop looking over the fence at her. I know she's just playing hard to get or something, so I baught an obelisk and placed it outside. Infact I even have 2D a useless job out of it, I told him to paint it. Also Moon Flower keeps calling me "Martin" which is extremely irritating. Still though, there's something special about her.. something that just draws me to her, and I don't think it has anything to do with the fact I've liked hundreds of women and this would be just like all them- no, I think there's really something different about her.

I think the prophecy thing might actually have something to do with Russel's recently obsession on the static channel. He says he's getting close to solving it. Anyway 2D hasn't been around in a few days so I had to give Noodle his chores. I told her to check the mail and she came back with a pamphlet about some "free aura exam", she also found 2D, apparently he was drinking or something. He doesn't drink often but I mean he was sleeping next door for 2 days. He was practicing jumping out of his skin when he saw me, bouncing off he walls about all the "amazing" things he did without us. He said even that Moon Flower really likes him and would let him over any time. So first she calls me by the wrong name and comes over to yell at/about me, and now she's trying to steal my star?! "Moon Flower is a lot nicer than you actually, Murdoc" 2D told me bluntly. As frustrating as the situation was I knew I had to hold it inside. "She says I've got a nice aura" 2D smiled.


Russel is getting very out of hand with this Static Signals shit, he's ruining the wallpaper and using all the whiteboards to write nonsense everywhere. Noodle and 2D think he's lost it way more than I have though. I guess I just want to help the poor bastard out.

Anyway back to our daily chores. Today I had Noodle and 2Dents look at the attic and maybe clear it out. There's a lot of dust up there that I don't feel like dealing with. I think there's also some miscellaneous boxes, paintings, and whatever. I left them up there well I went to have some tea by the balcony. It's a nice day out after all, I deserve to relax. It's nice outside, and the cool wind blows past me. This time I'm not looking at Moon Flower, actually kind of upset about the whole thing between her and 2D. 2D is mine. She can't take him from me, she won't. Why would she want someone like him anyway. What does he have to offer that I don't?! Is it that he's taller than me? Or does his lack of intelligence make him more adorable? If anything it should make him annoying. This has to wear off, it has to! It's not fair. It's like they're both trying to get at me or something. I have to find some way to get Moon Flower to change her mind, I have to get her to like me. She needs to know who someone with real talent is! Uhg, there's no alcohol in this tea. I sigh and get up to go get some.
Russel is so obsessed with the static that he's even looking at the static channel when he's outside and such. I hope he figures it out soon.
I reach the kitchen and pour some vodka and whiskey in my tea. That's bettah. After that I drank more of the alcohol, just straight this time. Helps with the pain, you know?...


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