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Tw: ⚠️overdose attempt, drug abuse⚠️

Thank you for 70+ reads!!💜


Humiliated. I feel completely humiliated, hurt, and embarrassed. Ace told everyone we were gonna write a new album based on MY writting. He shoved me over to the mic and told me to start singing something and we'd figure it out as we go. There were so many emotions filling me at that point I got overwhelmed and punch him in the ribs. I left the room and Noodle came after me. Russel talked to Ace about the whole thing. I went back to my room to sob. I was about to get into my painkillers when Noodle stopped me. She came over calmly until she saw the pills. She took them from me and threw them. She hugged me tightly, the hug comforted me like a cell comforts the inmate. I just know I've hurt her now..
"Stuart.. what's wrong?" Noodle's voice trembled. "Ace fucking read my diary, that's the only reason he wants to make the album" I started to sob. Her tone changed. "Don't worry Stuart, we can think of something else... Just relax, I'll take care of Ace" she grumbled. I fink I made her angry, but that doesn't really matter roit now.. she left and went to go argue with Ace. I laid in my room and cried. For hours.

I wonder when I'll be happy again.. I miss Murdoc so much. I want to see him but he's so far..

I didn't leave my room for the rest of the day. Noodle brought me food every now and then but I didn't eat much. Noodle came in one last time before bed. "Why won't you come out?" She sounded concerned. Maybe it's because I feel stuck between these senses of misery and loneliness, all while also being suffocated by freedom and new opportunities. It's like I know I can be better, but I don't know how. Everything hurts. It's like I can't breathe. I just shrugged so she'd have an answer even if it's a poor one. "I'll be right back" she said after a few moments of silence, then disappearing again. I put on Murdoc's black long sleeve that he gave me fire my birthday. It was really comfortable actually. It reminded me of him is all. Noodle came back a long while later. Where the hell was she? She had bruises too like she had gotten in a fight.. she came over to me and handed me a plush bunny rabbit. When I held it it smelled like Murdoc's old rv. How did she get this? That fing was stolen! Either way I'm happy to have it, and I'm sure Muds will be happy we got it back when he gets out of jail..
I teared up and hugged the bunny, it squeaked as I hugged it which just made me cry more finking about how Muds had something this cute hidden from us. Noodle smiled a bit. "I love you Noodle, fank you!" I sobbed. She smiled at me and hugged me. We hung out together and talked for a while after that, then I took a nap. It was a good nap actually.

Ace POV:

It was just a stupid book I found on his desk, I don't get what the big deal is! He didn't have to punch me in the fucking rib though.. jeez. Anyway I'm right on the money with this album thing, I just know I am. They can't just throw away a whole album idea just because it's tOo PeRsOnaL. After big man yelled at me the shrimp sized one came to yell at me too a bit. It wasn't fun getting my teeth almost kicked in but other than that I went straight to my room and started working on some riffs for this album, I recorded them on Murdoc's computer. Once I finish with my stuff I just gotta convince the others to do some stuff, hell I could even come up with some music video ideas! Yeah! I ain't never had this much motivation for anything! I was about to do the third one for one of the songs but then my phone started ringin'. I been talking to Snake all month about how his recovery is going.

*The next part is gonna be text they had so it's gonna be ♠️=Ace and 🐍=Snake*


♠️: hey, how ya feelin?

Read by 🐍 at 4pm


🐍: less sore, still small issues but I'm glad I did this, I finally feel just right, ya know?

Read by ♠️ at 4:05pm

♠️: I suppose? I ain't ever got surgery b4 but I'm glad ur happy

4:07 pm - snake had been on and off typing for the last 2 minutes but didn't send something until now.

🐍: no, that ain't it. Did I seriously never tell ya?

Read by ♠️ at 4:07pm

♠️: Not tell me what?


🐍: oh man I hope this don't bother ya. I'm trans, Ace.


♠️: trans? What does that mean?

🐍: I'm a dude ,Ace.

Read by ♠️ at 4:15pm

♠️: but you were always a dude

🐍: ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯

♠️: or at least, you've always been a handsome man to me💚💚

Read by 🐍 at 4:17pm


I waited for Snake to respond but I eventually gave up and set my phone down. Did I fuck it up? I been worried about him for the past month or more, prolly more. I ain't good at keepin' track of things. I still ain't sure what he was textin' me about. I really hope he ain't weirded out by me now.. maybe I should talk to Arturo for reassurance? No! I cant..
The others can't know about these weird... Experiences.. that happen around Snake. Even Snake can't handle it.. what's wrong with me, am I weird, diseased? Broken? Why'd I say that crap.. he's prolly gonna think I'm weird for the rest of our lives..

I say around for hours waiting for a text back, but nothin'. Maybe he fell asleep, I dunno. He been sleeoin' a lot since his surgery. Maybe I should look up what "trans" is while I'm thinkin' about this stuff. I have a brief idea of it but I just need to be sure so I can fully support Snake in whatever's goin on with him. Screw the album, Snake is my top priority right now!

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