The day before the nightmare

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Plastic Beach became the Gorillaz home after we lost Kong Studios thanks to Murdoc. It's an island made of plastic garbage that just kind of stuck itself together. It's good to have everyone back together again though, before we were sort of dealing wif the whole "El Mañana" fing. I don't like my room bein this close to the ocean though, I dont like whales. They scare me. Whenever me an the othahs tolk about what happened after INSERT EVENT they all hav different interesting stories. Murdoc said somefing about hiding from "black clouds", whatevah that means, and used Stylo to bring me and Cyborg Noodle (somefing he made after the El Mañana accident) to our new home. Murdoc made sum sort of drum machine to make percussion in place of Russell for a bit since he seems to be nowhere found for a bit, until he swam here i guess. Noodle said she was on some ship or somefing but then got attacked by pirates. This weird creature, the Boogeyman has just sorta been lurking around the island during everything. I don't know why or what he's here for but I'm worried it may have somefing to do wif Murdoc. The others weren't totally gone though, they showed up eventually and that was that. I do remebah wen we wor drivin in Stylo seein some funny black clouds but there's no way Muds is actually scared of clouds... Right? Anyway it was a sunny mornin an I was a bit bored and anxious. Muds was telling me yesterday of his ideas for some music videos but they all seemed pretty horrid. Muds has been really quiet lately though, I'm woired about 'im. He said he had "imporant busnes to due". I left him alone, oddly though I didn't see him for about the rest of the day. The others just said he was probably being weird like usual but I don't know, something feels off. No one found out what he was up to until about dinner time. Russell was making spugheti (for Noodle mostly) when we heard some loud noises coming from Murdoc's room. Bright lights flashed from under his door. He still didn't come out. Everyone was confused. We tried to eat and act like it never happened but i staid anxious. Russel went with Noodle to her room to go play video games with her after dinner and doin the dishes. I staid in the kitchen, all alone. I heard a noise again and decided to go check it out. I can't just let this go. I walked over to the hallway. I put my ear up to the door. I heard demonic screeches from the inside. What the fuck is he doing?!!?! The screeches continue. Am I the only one who hears it?! I don't like these sounds anymore! I slowly open Murdoc's door and see a pentagram on the floor. Murdoc is arguing with.. Satan. Of course. And the noise I'm hearing is from hell. This really isn't for me to handle, I don't want to see whatever happens between Muds and Satan, Muds is really private about what actually goes on with their deals and I respect that. I wish he could be quieter though. Sometimes I do wish I could just keep saying this stuff isn't real because it doesn't really align with my religion, but I can't deny something I see In front of my eyes all the time. I sigh and go back to my room. I lay down and just go to sleep for the night.


Sorry for short chapter, I just don't have a lot of ideas for this: take away is that Plastic Beach  was supposed to be this super awesome place, until Murdoc started doing some spooky shit.

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