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2D's birthday but:
Ace POV:

Tw: ⚠️attempted murder mention, stealing, misuse of prescriptions ⚠️

Ok I know 2D is upset I kind of accidentally lost control one day and tried to kill 'em BUT C'MON! why's he gotta act like I'm the worst person in the world?! I'm sure Murdoc's done worse things than I have! I wish he'd cut me some slack but, then again a guy like me totally don't deserve that so he has every right to be upset. I tried to apologize this mornin' by making him a birthday cake but, well I'm sure ya know how that went.. I ain't too good with words, so that's why I haven't really brought myself to apologize. I ain't really cut out to be all nice. I mean at least I'm tryin' though, right? Maybe I should've just stayed with the gangreen gang, they probably hate me for ditchin' em over Murdoc's place in the band. Actually Snake did call today though, said they were getting some kind of surgery, I hope they're okay. Snake really likes football so I know he'll be upset during the time he won't be able to play. Back to 2D though- I know things get pretty nasty when I'm upset, and I know it wasn't okay for me to do what I did a bit ago. I don't even understand why I did it, but I still feel weird about it. I just want 2D to like me, but that's not my main thing to worry about right now. I gotta worry about Snake, I know we haven't talked much but we still kept contact more than most of the other members. I kind of stoped talking to the others because they started having listening issues and getting into things I wouldn't wanna get into. At the end of my highschool years stealing Ritalin n' stuff was real popular, but I wasn't really in for it. Just because we're the gangreen gang don't mean we gotta be druggies, like what the hell? I think it was Arturo's idea but I dunno. He was the only one besides Snake that actually spoke well enough for me to understand, which is funny considering Snake literally has a lisp. Anyway after they stole some Ritalin they expected it would make them smarter so they could pass test n' stuff, I didn't get why we had to care so much about that though- we were litterally a gang, we were the terror of our school! Anyone oughta give us an A if they don't wanna be messed with. Still though, that didn't stop some of the others, I think the only one who acted normal on it was Grubber. I still couldn't understand the guy but I think it might've actually helped him, the rest just kind of.. ya know.
I'm not sure if Snake was in on it or not but I don't think so. Snake is pretty cool, I think he even got his tongue to look like a snake's on purpose. It looks so cool! I wonder if his surgery is deadly or anything.. that's kind of the reason after 2D's party I was spendin' a lot of time to myself, I been tryin' to get in contact with Snake and Arturo to see if anything is ok, I dunno if Snake still talks to the other guys but if he do then I beat check so I had to. I think it's 9pm about now, 2D and Noodle went to hangout and I think they both fell asleep. I ain't seen the big man around either, but I don't really talk to him so it ain't really my deal if he like ran off or somethin'.
Oh yeah, another thing I did on my way into this band was splitting from Cartoon Network It was kind of sad for the guys to find out but I don't even live in Townsville anymore, that's where I lived as a kid, plus if I didn't they were ginna give me a whole bunch of rukes of stuff i could or could not do while I was workin' in this band and who needs that. 27 years of being told I can't swear and all this other stupid crap, infact the whole sweating thing is so bad that even now as a adult I just can't remember to, it's like they ingrained that into my brain! I bet the band will catch onto that soon enough and make fun of me for it, then again if they did at least I'd feel like less of an outcast around them.
I know I ain't Murdoc so no duh they ain't used to me but still! It kind of hurts, I'm better than my annoying cousin and I'll prove it! I mean I can play bass better, I look better, I'm cooler, I'm popular, uhh.. other things?? I'm out of ideas but you get the point.
Anyway I'm just laying in Murdoc's old room, waiting for a message from Snake or somethin'. Murdoc's room was AWFUL when I first got here, trash everywhere, the bed wasn't made, dirty laundry was all over the place! He's the older cousin too, so what the hell?! It also stinks in here, like cigarettes, vegetables, alcohol, and cheese. One thing Murdoc said to me on his phone call was I shouldn't touch El Diablo though so I made sure to get my own bass and equipment. He may be annoying but I ain't gonna break his stuff, it's more fun to torment him when he's actually here. Although I am tryin' to be better so I mean maybe I really should leave it alone. I'm definitely getting him an air freshener though! I noticed the bird cage was empty when I got here. I've seen him with a big black bird a few times, wonder what happened to it. He probably did something stupid and scared it off. Maybe that's why he's always got an attitude. My phone vibrates on the wooden nightstand. I rush to pick it up. It's from Snake! I smiled widely.

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