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TW: ⚠️abuse mentions, Cetaphobia, edibles⚠️

If Muds still wants to spend his time screaming at me that's fine, maybe that's the reason I left him on the lighthouse, I don't know.. as much as I wish I didn't care I do sort of regret it.. I'm just so tired of Murdoc pushing me around all the time, hittin me, and then it never stopping.. I'm tired of being used.. I head back to the hotel room, its about 4pm now. I fink  I'm gonna finish packin, spend some extra time wif Noodle, then be on my way. When I came back Noodle was watching cartoons. "Hey D, where's Murdoc at?" Russell asked. I guess they expected us to be at the pier together, but I only left to go apologize to him.. I honestly don't know if I'm even sorry anymore though after all that nonsense he was screamin at me after basically tellin me to fuck off. I shrugged. Russell looked annoyed wif my answer. I sat down and watched cartoons with Noodle for a bit, and Murdoc had completely slipped my mind for the next few hours. I grabbed an iced tea from the fridge and then finished packing my bag. I fink I'm ready to go now. Noodle watched me pack, which made me feel guilty the entire time.. Russell was on his phone on the couch, lookin at the time. "It's almost 9:30 and Muds still isn't back" he stated. Oh shit I forgot! I hope he's okay, maybe he's just been at the pier.. Noodle looked extremely upset now. "If Murdoc isn't back by 10 we're calling the police!" She demanded from us. I mean she can do wot she wants but I dont fink that will help. "Settle down Noodle, I'm sure Muds will be back by morning. He's probably at the bar" Russel calmed her. Noodle said somefing in Japanese that I couldn't understand, then went back to watchin cartoons. I finished packin my bag and gave her a hug, and waved to Russ. I wished them good luck with Murdoc an everyfing, then headed out on my own. Usually Murdoc is always goin out wif me because of his sentance (I'm not technically allowed to do most fings by myself) but now, I finally feel.. free. Maybe I should check the pier again, just in case. I sigh. I can't believe I'm even finkin about Murdoc roit now. I head down to check the pier one last time. Murdoc isn't here.. maybe he really was serious.. "Whatcha lookin' at, hot stuff?~" a man flirts with me. I turn to face him. Uhg. It's Murdoc's weird cousin, Ace. "Ace pleas leave me be, I'm really not in the mood to talk.." he grabbed me by the throat and walked me up to the edge of the pier. I can't breav!! "Sooner or later you'll realize how much you need me, you'll regret ever rejecting me!" He yelled. He throws me into the water. I started to flail "ACE I CONT SWIM, I CONT!!" I was so panicked I was already gettin tired!! I tried to scream but he jus walked away.. there was no one.. I'm alone.. now sinking.. to the bottom of the ocean..


I fought I'd be dead for sure. When I woke up I was inside a fuckin whale! This is my worst fear comin true, I hate whales! I mean.. atleast I can breav in here.. but ive never been so disgusted in my loif!! Am I just goin to be stuck loik this until I die?.. i-I gues I shud make best of it.. whatevah this whale eats will feed me at leas. I don fink I really loik fish all that much though.. Uhg.. beggars cont be choosers I gues. Oh god, I miss Murdoc, im so scared! Im so horrible for wot I did to him! Why did I leave him there?! I'm such a stupid, stupid idiot! I never do anyfing roit! Muds probably hates me for wot I did.. all I evah do Is mess up.. evah since I got my eyes messed up my loif has been a livin hell.. i really cont do anyfing on my own.. i need Murdoc! This is how im goin to die.. depressed, starvin, alone.. and wif everyone hatin me.. I wish I had done more.. god, I feel so alone.. now I'm cryin again.. im so pathetic. I started havin a panic attack again.. i don know whats worse, starvin to death in here or drownin to death out there.. hours went by, I had almost been in here for about a day and its been trying to digest me! Eventually it started slowing down. Is the whale okay?- a big thud knocked me off my feet and it vomited me up. It beached itself and let me go.. oh god, I'm so hungry!! I don't see anything for miles.. the whale?.. no.. I cont.. but.. fuck.. I guess I will. As I was trying to cut it apart I saw a plane or two fly past. Civilization.. it's near! I must be saved!! I ran to the direction the plane was headed only to discovah that I'm not completely abandoned. I found myself at a beach party thrown by locals I guess. I introduced myself and then asked if I could eat and they were fine with it. They had brownies so I went for those first of course. They did make me feel a bit weird though.. I still jad fun though, I even participate in their silly little wet tee-shirt contest. I got third place (no surprise, since I litterally just escaped a dying whale). I fink this is where I'll stay for a while.. these people have been so nice to me and I really needed to clear my head. I don have to worry about Ace or Murdoc as long as I'm here. I'm safe.. maybe this is where I'm meant to find myself.


This chapter is a bit rushed and I didn't really know where else to go with the fear of whales thing because I personally do not have the fear but hoped you enjoyed anyway! Stay tuned.. 👀

*Did not edit

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