PDA Levels

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A/N: This story will use a 1-10 scale. A 1 means no PDA and a 10 means PDA galore.


-Nightwing (Dick Grayson): 6

Dick is a very friendly person which is the main reason I give him a 6. He wouldn't want to make others uncomfortable with too much PDA, however he's not above a make out session to get another person away from you.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd): 9

This man is the exact opposite of Dick. He's not afraid to make out and get handsy in front of others, especially Bruce. (We all know he loves to piss him off). The only reason he's not a 10 is because he does enjoy SOME privacy.

-Harley Quinn: 5

I know what you're thinking but trust me here. Harley would only be a 5 because after her relationship with the Joker finally ended she would rather have a private relationship than a public one. Though, like Dick, she's not above stopping people's advances through PDA.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake): 2

Tim is a VERY private person, he would also get extremely embarrassed by showing any kind of vulnerability around others, hence the 2.

-Poison Ivy: 4

She loves holding hands or having an arm looped through yours in public, but she'd refuse to do anything more than that. Maybe the occasional cheek kiss if you ask for more affection.

-Raven: 2

Raven is obviously not a people person and would rather show her vulnerable side in private with those she trusts. If you're ever having a bad day, she'd hold your hand but never anything more.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson): 8

Slade lives for showing PDA, he's not afraid to look OR touch in public. The only time he wouldn't want to show affection is when he's staking out for a contract, but you're generally not around for those anyways.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes): 4

Jaime gets embarrassed with PDA, so he'd generally avoid it. He gets a 4 though because he'd love to hold your hand and have lingering hugs in public, he doesn't care whose watching.

A/N: Thanks for reading I hope you enjoyed!
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