How They React To You Being Cold

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A/N: If you guys want any more characters added just let me know, I'm thinking about adding Roy Harper but I'm not sure.

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Whenever you're cold Dick notices right away and being the kind of person he is, doesn't like to see it. He'll track down the biggest blanket and throw it over the top of you before sitting beside you and allowing you to drape yourself over the top of him for that extra warmth. 

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Though it's somewhat mean, Jason thinks its adorable when you're cold. He obviously doesn't enjoy your discomfort but seeing you attempt to subtly snuggle into his side never fails to amuse him. Thankfully he never makes you suffer long; he'll cave after about 5 minutes and simply pull you onto his lap that way his warmth can heat you up. 

-Harley Quinn:

Harley likes blankets around her at all times so you being cold is rarely an issue but if it does ever happen, she'll take one of her blankets, throw it on you, and promptly jump on you. Just because she can. 

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim's room/apartment always has the heat blasting so unless you guys are outside there's absolutely no chance of you being cold. When you do happen to be caught in the cold outside, Tim will give you his jacket. If he's not wearing one, then he'll grab your hand and try to keep at least one part of you warm. 

-Poison Ivy:

Like Tim, Ivy's home is always HOT due to all of her plants needing a warmer environment. If you're outside with Ivy, then she'll try rushing herself to ensure you get home as fast as possible. She doesn't enjoy seeing you shiver from the freezing weather, plus she also prefers the heat. 


One word. Cloak. It's always the Cloak. 

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

Slade is basically a walking furnace so if he sees you shivering his immediate reaction is to scoff because he always warns you when it's meant to be cold, but you always ignore him. After this initial reaction he'll just hug you for a few seconds to warm you before pulling away and having to repeat this process over and over again. He will definitely loudly complain but he secretly doesn't mind. 

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

I think Jaime would almost never notice when you're cold, but his scarab would yell at him every time it notices. It always makes Jaime feel guilty but he's quick to put that aside to grab you one of his sweatshirts for you to wear. If he's already wearing one (or a jacket) he'll take it off and practically throw it at you with a bright red face.

A/N: Thank you for reading! 

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