Waking Them At Night Due To Nightmares

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A/N: Here I am, once again. (Feeling lost...) haha get it...?

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

When you call out to Dick he immediately shoots up and looks at you with drowsy, confused eyes. Once he sees how distressed you are he immediately understands and is quick to start shushing you. He'd have you lay down and whisper calming words until you sleep once more.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Jason is about to tell you to "f*ck off" before he catches sight of your teary eyes and all sleep is forgotten to him. He'd quickly take you into his arms and rock you back and forth, no words spoken, until you finally fall asleep again.

-Harley Quinn:

When you wake Harley and she takes a moment to understand the situation, instead of trying to get you to go back to sleep she tries distracting you. She'd grab your phone and either put on some insane videos or start taking extremely unflattering photos of herself just to get you to smile.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim needs any bits of sleep he can get so you try to refrain from waking him during your nightmares, but he always just seems to know. He'd be up within a few minutes to tell you that you "better wake me immediately next time" and that "I'm right here to protect you."

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy will wake up right as you start shaking in your sleep. She'd turn to you and rub your arms and whisper calming things into your ear until you eventually settle once more. She'd also stay awake for about an hour longer just to make sure you stay sleeping.


Once Raven is awake shes immediately in a bad mood, she hates being woken up even though she knows you had a valid reason. She'd look into your fearful eyes and say, "your dreams shouldn't scare you when there's an actual demon in your bed." Then she returns to sleeping. You don't know why her words soothe you, but they always do and you always manage to go back to sleep.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

When you call out to Slade, hoping to wake him, without opening his eyes he grabs you and pulls you down to his chest. He'd rub your back and tell you to "go back to sleep princess/prince." It never fails to get you to pass out again.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime will slowly wake up after you start shaking him awake. Though once he sees the expression your face he's wide awake. He'd pull you down to lay with him and stare into your eyes as he attempts calming you down. He always falls asleep before you do, but you're quick to follow.

-Talia Al Ghul:

Talia is a light sleeper due to her years of assassin training and raising a young child. This means when you call out to her, she's immediately on high alert. After she notices that it was you calling out to her, she'd take one look at you and simply start rubbing your arms before falling asleep again. The small gesture is always enough to soothe you back to sleep, no matter what terrifying dreams you had prior.

A/N: Remember as always if you're interested in art to please consider checking out my TikTok or Instagram. Both under the username its.leahs.art

It would mean a lot but if not thank you for reading this book either way!!!

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