You Snap At Them

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A/N: In this story you're just having a bad day and accidently snap at them. This is just their reaction, not how you react/apologize for snapping at them.

WARNING: Some ANGST (I know I know, don't panic)

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Dick will feel taken aback for a moment before seeing the stress across your entire face and putting together that you must be having an off day. He won't take you yelling personally, and he'll do everything in his power to soothe your negative emotions.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Jason will get angry if you snap at him, no matter the cause. Though this is definitely hypocritical of him because he also snaps at you if he has a bad day or becomes overwhelmed.

-Harley Quinn:

Harley will probably get upset if you snap at her, even accidently. It may also trigger her to have some sort of flash back to when she was with Joker, obviously this depends on how severely you snap at her.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim immediately understands why you snapped at him, especially if he's already aware of the day you're having. He also gets it because he sometimes does the same thing if he's neck deep in work. He takes your mood in stride and will help you relax while he pampers you for the rest of day.

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy at first will be angry at you for snapping at her but as she continues to watch your every move, she sees how you're just stressed and couldn't 100% help snapping at the first person to talk to you. She'll take your arm and pull you into a bone crushing hug, letting you take out the rest of your pent-up emotions on her.


Raven teleports away immediately to seek out either Gar or Star to talk to. She'll wonder if she did anything to upset you or if you even want to be with her anymore. You snapping at her makes her extremely insecure. Eventually after Gar/Star talks some sense into her she'll seek you out and meekly ask if you're mad at her.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

Though Slade is an as* in his own right, he does NOT take disrespect from anyone, including you. If he's been snappy towards you, he will accept you snapping back, but if he's done nothing and you chose to take your built-up anger out on him instead of just talking to him... let just say he won't be pleased.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime will question himself for a little bit, trying to remember any little thing he may have done to upset you. After coming to the conclusion that he didn't do anything, he'll seek you out to have a calm conversation with you to see what's up.

A/N: Remember if you're interested in art to please consider checking out my TikTok or Instagram, both under the username

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