You Wearing Their Clothes

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A/N: I've scrounged up some more ideas so here you go! <3

Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Dick ADORES when you wear his clothes, he thinks it's just the greatest thing ever. He'll purposely leave some of his sweaters and sweatpants around just hoping you'll decide on wearing them. However, be warned if he sees you wearing something of his, he will be taking 100 pictures.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Jason also loves when you wear his clothes. He doesn't have a lot of comfy clothes but once you started wearing the few he DID own, he bought more just so you could steal them. Though if you ever happen to have an argument while you're wearing his clothes, he won't take you seriously at all.

-Harley Quinn:

(Depending on gender) You and Harley will simply share clothing as it is. You wear her stuff and she wears your stuff. Harley probably wears your clothes more than you wear hers but whenever you do, she absolutely loves it. She thinks you look STUNNING.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

You tend you steal Tim's t- shirts. The shirts are always a large size because he buys larger shirts regardless of his stature. The first time you stole his clothing he was mostly confused though he quickly got used to it. He doesn't really feel one way or another about it.

-Poison Ivy:

(Depending on gender) You don't often steal Ivy's clothes because it's mostly tight fitting stylish clothing. The only time you usually wear her clothes is when you and her are having a date night. She finds you absolutely gorgeous in her (usually green) outfits.


Obviously you steal Ravens cloak, I mean how can you not. She thinks you look super cute all bundled up in her cloak as if it was a blanket. She wouldn't encourage you to steal it but she wouldn't put up much of a fight if she catches you with it.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

Slade was probably annoyed the first time he saw you in his clothes, I mean you have your own perfectly good clothes to wear. Eventually he got used to you stealing his clothing and learned to thrive off it. He enjoys sneaking pictures of you once and awhile... for research purposes.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime thinks it's simply the best when you wear his clothes. He especially loves when you play coy about it. Though it never fails to make him a blushing mess. He definitely has an entire folder on his phone of just pictures of you in his clothes.

A/N: Thanks for reading!
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