You Kiss Them Out Of Nowhere

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A/N: Just a cute short one

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Dick won't be surprised because he does the same to you all the time. He's a very affectionate person and loves to get any bit of love you're willing to give him. Though you doing this practically gives him permission to do it back to you as much as he wants, so beware of more surprise kisses from him.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

If Jason isn't expecting your affection, then he'll become extremely flustered. He'll most likely cover his face as to not allow you to see him blushing. It'll take him a few minutes to compose himself to look back at you, if you kiss him again, he may just rush out of the room.

-Harley Quinn:

Harley will get super excited and smiley if you kiss her out of nowhere. She'd also continuously ask you questions like "what was that for?" "do I get more?" or "what did I do to deserve that?"

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim often gets lost in his own world, especially while he's working, so you often kiss him out of nowhere to get him out of his head. He'll blink a few times before looking at you and briefly smiling before getting back to his work.

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy is always happy to receive love from you. The only thing that will annoy her about your surprise kissing is the fact that you don't give her enough time to kiss back. Though, she'd never tell you this, she'd just smile and let it go.


Anytime you give Raven affection when she's not expecting it, she teleports away right after to recuperate. Even when kissing her and she can most defiantly see you coming, she still won't REALLY see it coming. Later after she feels like she can face you again she'll teleport in front of you and half heartly chastise you.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

Unlike when you tried hugging Slade from behind, kissing him out of nowhere will have the opposite effect. Slade will 9 times out of 10 pull you back into him to give you a proper kiss. Unless he's super busy doing something- in which he may get a little mad.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Every time you kiss Jaime when he's not expecting it, he'll end up in a daze just staring at you for at least 5 minutes. Eventually he'll snap out of it and goofily smile at you. Sometimes he'll ask you for another kiss.

A/N: Remember to please consider checking out my TikTok or Instagram, both under the username

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