You Ask Them To Paint Your Nails

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A/N: Thank you for reading!


-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Most of the time you don't even need to ask Dick, he'll ask YOU permission to paint your nails. You always say yes, obviously. Dick has very steady hands that make painting nails look easy. It makes it so that whenever you even think about painting your nails, your instinct is to ask Dick to do it for you. A bonus is him looking adorable while concentrating.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

It'll take you a few attempts to get Jason to paint your nails for you. He's honored that you even bother asking but he's just too worried to mess it up. Eventually you can wear him down enough to get a reluctant yes. He'll mess up the first couple times, but he slowly gets the hang of it. He may even become so bold as to try different techniques and patterns... give him some time though.

-Harley Quinn:

Harley became beyond giddy when you first asked her to paint your nails. She was so excited that it actually made her mess up a few times, she quickly fixed these mistakes. Eventually the initial giddiness fades to a dull happiness which made painting nails much easier for her.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim is usually hyped up on coffee and his slight will to live so Tim will always deny painting your nails. He just knows his shaky hands will not be working in his favor if he ever tried. However, in the very few moments Tim's in the right state of mind, with no coffee in his system, he'd be willing to paint them for you.

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy was slightly reluctant at first though not for reasons you'd assume. She actually just loves watching you paint your own nails, so when you asked for her to do it for you, she couldn't help but feel slightly disappointed. It took her a few times to realize just how much she enjoyed doing this small thing for you. She mostly loves the way you look at her as she's painting them, it makes her feel loved and important even if she's only doing such a minute task.


Raven always paints her own nails so she's somewhat of a pro and she'd be more than happy to paint your nails for you. Eventually this happens so often that you and her decided to make it a date night every once in a while. You'd paint her nails and she'd paint yours, though this usually ends in disaster due to the two of you laughing and having a good time.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

When you first asked Slade to paint your nails, you 100% expected a resounding "no". Safe to say when you got an immediate "sure" and a shrug your mind was more than blown. Unless he's super pissed or busy he always says yes to this request and puts his absolute care into making your nails look perfect.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime was the one to approach you first about painting your nails. He was nervous to ask but determined to help you with this one thing. You allowed him and watched as he took an extremely long time to finish even one hand due to him going as slow as a snail just to make sure he didn't screw anything up. As time passes and he continues to paint your nails he speeds up more and more, thankfully.

A/N: remember if you like art please consider checking out Lyn TikTok or Instagram both under the username

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