You Start Gardening

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A/N: Folks! Thank you so much for 7k reads!! Also please take a few moments before you begin reading to let me know what preference book you guys want next! (If I get no opinions on the matter I'm probably gonna go with a Teen Wolf book, so if that's not your thing be sure to comment!)

-Nightwing (Dick Grayson):

Dick thinks you look beautiful while working on your new garden.  Even though your clothes and face are smeared with dirt, he think you've never looked prettier. You just look so in your element that he's completely drawn to you.

-Red Hood (Jason Todd):

Jason thinks you look kind of silly bent to the ground and scrounging through the dirt. He also doesn't get the appeal of gardening, but it makes you happy so he doesn't question it.

-Harley Quinn:

The only reason Harley doesn't tease you for your random hobby is because she loves the way your eyes light up when you get a successful plant. She's just a sucker for you smiling at her, even if you're doing it while holding a dirty carrot in your hands.

-Red Robin (Tim Drake):

Tim doesn't get it consider he's such a busy body, but he'd 100% support you. He'd go out shopping with you to buy you all the tools you could possibly want. You'd probably have the biggest garden in all of Gotham, which honestly isn't a hard feat.

-Poison Ivy:

Ivy obviously approves of your newest hobby. Half the time she'll join you in your "adventures" unless of course you request some quiet time for yourself. She thinks you looks akin to Mother Nature herself as you plant seeds into the ground, she just thinks you look ethereal.


Death is something that revolves around Raven's life, so to watch you create something lively is really powerful to her. She loves just watching you plant stuff. She'd honestly probably check on your plants more than you do, she never touches them though in fear that she'd kill them on the spot.

-Deathstroke (Slade Wilson):

At first Slade thinks gardening is absolutely stupid and unnecessary. If you want vegetables or flowers just buy some at the store. After you get started though and he sees how happy you get he sort of understands. He'd be willing to engage in anything that makes you smile. Don't expect him to garden WITH you though, that's just too much for him.

-Blue Beetle (Jaime Reyes):

Jaime thinks gardening is a fun hobby but he's more content to just watch you. He never fails to laugh when you walk back into the house with dirt all over you. He really just thinks you're adorable and that your hobby is very fitting for you.

-Talia Al Ghul:

Talia has no interest in such a slow paced, mundane pass time, thought she does enjoy watching YOU. She wouldn't mind you picking up gardening as a hobby because no matter what you're doing she loves to watch. She finds your movements soothing and graceful (even if you're anything but).

A/N: You guys already know what I'm going to say lol. If you're interested in art please feel free to check out my TikTok or Instagram both under the username,

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